Recording & Choreography

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The next day we were already at the studio for recording the song.

Ms. Kim was there. She was younger than me but I prefer to call her that as I don't wanna be associated with her with anything.

We were recording and we have already recorded it for already 4-5 times.

Why? cause ms. Kim wants me to sing in a deep voice, which sounds a little masculine.

"Goddamn it y/n! Can't you keep your voice more muscular?"

"I am a girl. How am I supposed to artificially make my voice that deep?"

"I don't know. You should think about this before joining a boys' group. Now do it."

After much time, she got something which she can afford. And now, she told me that I am not singing any lines except this part.

Okay? I guess.

After the recording of the song is finished, she made us listen the song.

I just had 2-3 lines but I was glad I won't had to try to make my voice deep artificially.

After the song finished, namjoon oppa spoke up.

"Why is her lines so less? And why is she singing in that deep masculine voice?"

"To match the vibe of the song."

Ms. Kim replied nonchalantly.

"Oppa, let it be. I don't care at this point."

"But this is not fair y/n."

"It's just this one song. Let it be."

He sighed and shook his head.

And then it was time for choreography.

In choreography too, she made the choreographer give me masculine steps.

I was irritated by her at this point.

"Y/n, can't you get it straight?"

"I am trying. You are giving me masculine steps. It's not my fault. Try to do it once by yourself and then you will know."

And she shut her mouth up at that.

We were practicing and I was getting distracted and making a mistake again and again.

Why? Cause looking at myself in the mirror, I was not able to see myself anymore.

My individuality had been thrown away by her.

"Y/n, what are you doing? We can't make mistakes, we are nearing our comeback."

Hoseok oppa said.

"I know, I am sorry. I will try to not make mistakes."

"We all are tired at this point y/n. But please, try. Okay?"

Taehyung oppa said softly and I nodded while looking down.

We again started and I again made mistake. We kept repeating again and again due to my mistake.

All the mistakes due to me looking in the mirror. I am hating looking at myself now.

"Y/n, please. For god's sake, get yourself together and don't make mistakes."

Namjoon oppa said, frustration lacing in his voice.

I looked down, frustrated at myself too.

I was the becoming the reason of their disappointment right now.

"You can do this y/n, we know you very well. Okay?"

Jungkook oppa said while patting my shoulder a little.

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