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Author pov

"Hyung how will he tell her about this?"

Jungkook asked his namjoon hyung.

"We need to disclose it to her some way or another. We can't hide it from her forever. And we don't have much time too."

Namjoon replied while he was worried too.

Well, they were talking about military enlistment. They were going to the military to complete their mandatory service.

They entered your room to see you wearing your headphones and writing down something in a notebook, probably some lyrics.

You always did this. So they knew by now that you were writing lyrics.


She turned around to see all her members in her room. She quickly removed the headphones and turned towards them and gestured them to sit.

Y/n's pov

They all settled themselves while I waited for them to start cause they were looking nervous right now.

"Oppa, is everything alright?"

I asked them cause they were just looking at each other with nervousness. Something was wrong.

"Actually y/n, we wanted to tell you something..."

"Yeah, go ahead. I am listening."

"First promise us you get mad."

"I won't namjoon oppa. What is it?"

"We... Are going to military."


I said in shock and then shook my head and chuckled to myself.

"You all are pulling a prank at me right? It this another run BTS episode or something?"

Namjoon oppa sighed and spoke again.

"Y/n, we are not doing a prank on you. This is the truth. We are going for our mandatory military service. We will enlist next month."

"It's really not funny oppa."

"We are going to enlist together so after 18 months, we all will be back together. Till then, you need to be strong for us, please y/n. We will go and come back within no time."

"What am I supposed to do here all alone while you are there in the military?"

"Make new songs and focus on your solo career, alright? We trust on you that you will be more successful in the meantime. And it will help you to distract from us. And afterall, someone needs to be here for ARMYs too, right?"

"What makes you think I will make songs and focus on my solo career while you are there in the military?"

Tears were already flowing from my eyes but this conversation needs to complete fully first.

"Y/n, you will not be alone. ARMYs are there for you. You will make through it."

"No. It's not going to work like that. I am also joining the military. *mumbles* Afterall, I am least important member so no one will even notice my absence."

"What the fuck did you say y/n?"

Yoongi spoke up while looking at me intently.

"Yoongi, language!"

Jin oppa reminded him.

"Sorry hyung."

"I said I am also joining military."

"No no no. After that? That least important member one, huh?"

"It's nothing."

"I heard you y/n. I will deal with you after this."

He said angrily and again sat down on his place.

"So, it's confirmed. I am also joining the military. It's not fair that you are in military while I am here making my career."

"But y/n-"

"No buts oppa. I will be the first one to enlist from the group and the last one to come back. I will join before you all and come back after you all are back."

"Y/n, what are you even talking about?"

Jin oppa said.

"I am telling what I mean oppa. I am enlisting in the military after three weeks and will be back after 24 months."

"Yoongi hyung will not be joining military y/n, he is gonna be the social worker here. So you will get to meet him if you stay here."

"I won't, jimin oppa. He can't tell about his whereabouts to anyone and people will always be following me so I can't visit him if I am here."

"But why are you joining for 2 whole years?"

This time, taehyung oppa asked me.

"Cause yoongi will have to work for 21 months. And as I said, I will be the last one to come back. And don't worry about pd-nim. I will talk to him and convince him."

"We were here to tell you something but we ended up getting a huge shock instead."

Hoseok oppa said while I just smiled at him.

Soon, everyone left from my room except yoongi. He locked the door after everyone left and then walked to me.

"So now miss y/n, tell me what you meant by earlier? That least important member thing?"

"It was really nothing yoongi. Just my impractical thoughts, you don't need to worry about it."

"Babe, I am your boyfriend. I have the right to know whatever is going on in this pretty little head of yours. Hmm?"

"Well, I said that afterall, I am least important member so no one will notice my absence if I leave."

"Who the fuck told you that you are the least important one?"

"The whole social media."

"I told you to not pay attention to all that, right?"

I just nodded.

"Then also you are watching all that stuff. Promise me that you won't watch stuff like that in the future again."

"I will try my best."

"Promise me y/n."

His voice was firm and demanding. I just whined in front of him.

"Fine... Promise."

That's like a good girl. Now, the next point. What about this military huh?"

"What about that?"

"Why are you enlisting in the military?"

"Cause I can't just sit here while the other members are fighting for their life in military."

"*Sigh* See y/n. I respect your decision. But wouldn't it be better if you stayed here?"

"I have made my mind yoongi. I am not going to change it now."

"Fine. As you want, my lady."

I just chuckled at that.

I will surely miss these idiots!


I am so sad about the military enlistment of the bts members that why i wrote a chapter related to it.

Well, I hope tannies come back soon and all safe.

I will miss them so much!

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