Welcome back

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I opened my mobile and started Instagram.

"So what's trending right now in world while we were away?"

"Well, we won many awards even when we were away. But some groups are coming up and people think that they will surpass us."

Namjoon oppa said. I just scoffed.

"Surpass us? Interesting!"

I said and smirked.

"What do you have in mind?"

"Nothing oppa, I was just thinking about working again."

I said and gave him a smile while he looked at me suspiciously.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah oppa."

Taehyung oppa said and I just laughed a little.

We reached the dorms and I got out and opened the door to see the dorms decorated.

I was more than shocked!

I turned towards them with the same shocked expression and they chuckled.

"Welcome back y/n!"

They exclaimed and I smiled. I went and hugged them.


And then I pulled away and went inside and saw the whole house and sat on the couch.

"Thankyou for doing all this."

"You deserve it! And don't worry, we also had a welcome back party."

"Then it's alright. Now I need change my clothes and then I need to go to bighit! And yeah, a post on internet to make people aware that I am alive!"

I said and they laughed.

I went and took a shower and changed my clothes into a big t-shirt and sweatpants.

My hair were as it is. I went downstairs and I smelled ramen.

"Oppa!! Are you making ramen?"

I said entering the kitchen and saw ramen.

"I love you oppa!"

I said and then took some ramen and went to the living room to eat it.

I made a post on Instagram. First it was the photo when I was leaving and the second one was of today.

It was literally the same with time gap between them.

After eating, I told everyone I will be back soon from bighit. Yoongi told me that he is accompanying me.

So we both went to the bighit. I went straight to meet pd-nim. With yoongi, ofcourse.

"Hello pd-nim. I am back!"

I bowed first and then said. He smiled at me and gestured me to sit.

Me and yoongi both sat.

"So, whats the plans now?"

"You just came back y/n. Take some rest."

Yoongi said looking at me in astonishment.

"Me and y/n already discussed it. She told me she didn't needed any break after coming back."

After hearing him, yoongi glared at me while I just gave him an innocent smile.

"So y/n, its time for a new album. And I have someone who has got some suggestions for BTS too. Well, she has been giving suggestions to us from the last year and they all were wonderful."

"Where is she then?"

And then the door opened and came a girl who looked younger than me.

"Hello! Myself Kim hyerin."

(Just an imaginary character guys. Don't associate with real life people.)

"Hello! I am y/n."

I said and bowed a little as respect. One thing I learned in military is respect everyone.

"So y/n, she has some suggestions specifically for you. And I want you to do as she says. Cause she thinks that everyone in the group are alright but you are just different from the vibe."

I just frowned a little and scoffed but didn't say anything.

"So y/n, I will be straightforward, I want to cut your short. And not just short that you did already, short to almost their length."

She said while smirking a little.


Hey sweeties! How are you all doing?

Updated another chapter cause I am missing BTS as hell.

Hope you all enjoy.

Love you all. Take care of yourselves!💜✨

New Member |BTS FFOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora