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I went to my room and opened my mobile and started scrolling on insta.

There were so many reels about my story and my recent post.

ARMYs were like 'we are getting short haired y/n this time!' and many things like that.

I decided to do a live after sometime and texted yoongi about it.

I texted him cause I was on my bed already and was lazy to get up from my bed.

He saw my text but didn't texted me back.

I got a notification that he went live and the title was ' y/n's hair '. I just smiled at that.

He went live for me. I opened his live and saw the comments of ARMYs.

'Where is y/n?'

'Yoongi marry Mee!'

I laughed at that comment.

'What happened to the precious hair of y/n?'

'She's scaring us!'

I decided to make a comment.

'Hey yoongi! You were supposed to message me back, not to start a live.'

"Yahh! Get up and come in my room. I started this live for you only."

I again made a comment.

'I don't want to get up.'

"Then I am coming to your room!"

He said and got up. He opened my room's door and faced me.

"Yah! Get up!"

"I don't wanna. I am not even in proper clothes."

"Who cares about your clothes right now? Get up now!"

He said being a little irritated. I still didn't got up.

"I am facing the camera towards you."

"Do it. I am hiding under the blanket."

I said pulled the blanket over me. I had the comments opened and I saw ARMYs commenting that they want to see me.

I felt yoongi sat on the edge of my bed and I saw in my mobile that the camera was recording me only.

"Y/n!! Get up!!"

"Uhh!! You are so irritating!"

I said and got up while pouting.

He turned the camera selfie mode and put it.

"Hey guyss! It's me, your y/n."

"They know you already!"

Yoongi said and I shot him a glare. He placed his hands at the sides of my face and made me look at the camera and spoke.

"You all wanted to see her right? She is here. And she got a haircut."

I removed his hands and looked towards camera and ran my hand through my hair.

"Yeah, well I got a little haircut. How does it look?"

I said while setting my hair a little.

"It does feel weird with this short hair. And I was about to come live but he decided to do it. I wanted to show it to you all."

Yoongi got up and left. I was the only one now.

'It's so drastic! But I love it!'

And most of the comments were like this!

"Thank God you all like it. I was scared that you all will not like it."

" 'Why did you do it?' well, I was suggested to do this haircut so I had to do it right? Well, I need to listen to someone's suggestions now. So yeah."

"Yeah I hate short hair but you work under someone so you need to do it even if you hate it right? And I don't think so it's that bad. Like it's something new but it's good."

"Yeah, it does feel a little weird to have wind blowing on your neck always but it's alright."

"Well, if you want to know everyone's opinion, let's ask them only."

I took the phone and went downstairs and found the maknae line there.

"Hey guyss! I am live right now. And ARMYs want to know about your opinion when you first saw my hair."

And the live went on like that and soon I ended it and handed the phone to yoongi.

I was glad ARMYs like it.

From tomorrow, we are going to start recording songs of our new album.

I was excited about it. But I don't know how will I be in this new album.

I sighed and went in the washroom.

I stood in front of the mirror and continued staring at myself and thinking many things at once.

Unknowingly, I started crying too.

I didn't knew when someone came in my room and saw me.

I came back to this world when someone backhugged me. I flinched st that contact and saw it was yoongi.

Ofcourse who else would it be?

He gently turned me around and wiped my tears.

"Why were you crying?"

He asked me gently.

"Nothing. I was just overthinking things."

"Nice... Now the full truth."

"I... Nothing yoongi, just leave it."

"Nope, you are telling me what happened."

"I was overthinking that I don't look good. And my face looks big. And this just doesn't suits me. Even though everyone told me it looks amazing but still I am having self doubt."

"Babes, you really look awesome. I promise you that I am telling the truth okay?"


He nodded and kissed my forehead and caressed my hair and ran his hand through my hair and then looked at me and smiled.


Hey sweeties!

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