Chapter #30

737 45 31

Read the lil note at the end for a surprise


--- Flashback ---

The small, cosy room was filled with a warm and tender atmosphere. Isadora Jackson, a new mother, held her newborn daughter, Alexia, in her arms. The baby was swaddled in a soft blanket, her tiny fingers curled into tiny fists. It was a moment of pure maternal love.

The door to the room creaked open, and Sirius Black stepped inside. He had a nervous but excited look on his face. He had arrived at his sister-in-law's home, eager to meet his niece, the daughter of his late brother, Regulus.

Isadora looked up, her eyes meeting Sirius's. She smiled warmly, recognizing the family resemblance in their features. "Sirius," she whispered, her voice filled with both joy and sadness.

Sirius approached the bed cautiously, his eyes fixed on the tiny bundle in Isadora's arms. He couldn't help but feel a mixture of emotions — happiness at the sight of his niece and sorrow for the loss of his brother, Regulus.

He reached out, his fingers trembling slightly, and gently stroked the baby's cheek. Alexia stirred, her eyelids fluttering open, revealing a pair of curious and bright emerald eyes. Sirius was captivated by her innocence and the spark of life within her.

"Hello, little one," he whispered, his voice filled with tenderness. "I'm your Uncle Sirius. I promise to protect you, just like your father would have wanted."

Isadora watched the heartfelt interaction between her brother-in-law and her daughter. She knew that this was a moment of closure for Sirius, a chance to connect with the family he had lost for so long.

As Sirius continued to gaze at Alexia, a small smile played on the baby's lips as if she could sense the love and connection in the room.

It was a bittersweet moment, filled with both the joy of a new life and the memory of one that had been lost. But for that brief moment, in that small room, there was a sense of family, of hope, and of the unbreakable bond that connected them all.

--- End of Flashback ---

On the last day at Hogwarts, as the students prepared to depart for the summer holidays, Alexia found herself mustering the courage to talk to Hermione about the lingering tension between them. The Great Hall was buzzing with activity as students bid farewell to friends and teachers while eating breakfast.

Alexia approached Hermione, as Harry and Ron walked back to the Gryffindor tower. "Hermione, can we talk for a moment?"

Hermione looked up, her eyes meeting Alexia's. There was a mixture of anticipation and uncertainty in her gaze. "Sure, Alex. What's on your mind?"

Before Alexia could respond, Dumbledore's calm voice echoed through the hall. "Ah, Miss Jackson, might I have a word with you?"

The interruption caught both Alexia and Hermione off guard. Alexia hesitated, glancing between Hermione and Dumbledore. "Uh, sure. Hermione, we'll talk later, okay?"

Hermione nodded, a curious expression on her face. "Of course, Alexia. Don't keep the headmaster waiting."

As Alexia followed Dumbledore towards his office, she couldn't help but feel a mix of frustration and intrigue. She had wanted to address the unresolved tension with Hermione, but Dumbledore's request seemed important.

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