Chapter #27

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This is not 100% accurate with the movie/book cuz I can't remember every detail but bear with me hahaha Also, this is long AF

The air in the Shrieking Shack crackled with tension as Sirius Black stood before Harry, Hermione, and Alexia. The dim light cast eerie shadows across the worn wooden floor, accentuating the gravity of the situation. Injured and shaken, Ron sat nearby, while Hermione hovered at his side.

In a spontaneous surge of emotion, Alexia positioned herself in front of Hermione, a silent but persistent shield. The weight of the revelations hung heavily in the air, the truth about Sirius Black's innocence juxtaposed against years of perceived betrayal.

Harry, fueled by a maelstrom of emotions-anger, confusion, and a thirst for retribution-couldn't contain himself. His pent-up frustration and the desire for justice erupted as he lunged at Sirius Black. The suddenness of Harry's attack filled the room with a whirlwind of motion and raw energy.
Hermione, still tending to Ron, looked up with a mix of worry and shock at the sudden escalation, while Alexia let Harry let out his anger. The room became a battleground of conflicting emotions, the visceral anger Harry harboured toward the man believed to be responsible for his parents' deaths.

The struggle unfolded in a chaotic ballet of limbs and emotions, with Harry venting his frustration on Sirius Black, who, in turn, made little effort to fight back. The sounds of scuffling and strained breaths filled the room.

The Shrieking Shack, once a dormant witness to secrets, now hosted a tumultuous clash of emotions. The past, present, and uncertain future converged in this moment of confrontation, leaving the group of friends grappling not only with Sirius Black but with the complexities of trust and betrayal that defined their world.

Remus Lupin arrived at the Shrieking Shack with a sense of urgency, responding to the commotion echoing through the deserted building. He swiftly intervened, prying Harry away from Sirius with a firm but gentle grip, separating the two with a calm authority.

To the astonishment of Harry, Hermione, Alexia, and Ron, Remus Lupin then turned his attention to Sirius Black. Instead of hostility, there was a shared history evident in their exchanged glances. Lupin helped Sirius rise, the two men sharing a heartfelt embrace that spoke of camaraderie and a bond forged in the crucible of their past.

The revelation about Remus Lupin's association with Sirius Black, especially given his position as their trusted Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, left the trio feeling betrayed. Hermione, unable to contain the truth any longer, disclosed Lupin's secret.

"Professor Lupin is a werewolf," Hermione declared, her voice laden with a mix of concern and accusation. The revelation hung in the air, casting a pall over the room.

In response, Lupin acknowledged Hermione's astuteness with a wry smile. "Well done, Miss Granger. I must say, you are the brightest witch of your age."

As the tension escalated, Sirius pleaded with Lupin to let him go, his eyes ablaze with a burning desire for justice. The atmosphere crackled with the energy of unresolved conflicts, and in the midst of it, Sirius made a startling revelation.

"I want my niece to know the truth," Sirius declared, his eyes locking onto Alexia. The weight of his words hung in the air like a thundercloud, the revelation landing with a resounding impact. Alexia's gaze flickered between Sirius and the others, her mind racing to process the implications of this newfound connection.

The room seemed to compress with the weight of secrets and the complexity of relationships woven into the tapestry of the wizarding world. The Shrieking Shack, once a vessel of mysteries, had now become the stage for revelations that would shape the destinies of those within its confines.

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