Chapter #18

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Under the shade of a large willow tree by the Black Lake, Lily Evans and Isadora Jackson found themselves immersed in the tranquility of the afternoon. The soft breeze rustled through the leaves as the two friends engaged in light-hearted banter.

Isadora, her eyes glinting with mischief, couldn't resist teasing Lily about her undeniable crush on James Potter. She leaned back against the sturdy trunk of the willow, a playful smile dancing on her lips.

"Lily, Lily, Lily," Isadora sang, "how many more times will you pretend not to notice when James walks by? It's like you have your own little gravitational pull toward him."

Lily, feigning nonchalance, focused on plucking petals from a nearby flower. "I have no idea what you're talking about. James is just another guy."

Isadora chuckled, "Oh, please! I've seen the way you glance at him. Admit it, there's something there."

In retaliation, Lily gestured toward Isadora's bag, which bore the familiar Black family crest. "And what about you, Isadora? Black, huh?"

Isadora raised an eyebrow, playing innocent. "Black? Oh, he was just playing. We're not even that close. But back to the main point — James Potter, really?"

The banter continued by the peaceful lake, the sunlight dappling through the willow branches as the two friends enjoyed the simplicity of the moment, unaware of the complexities fate had in store for them.

---End of Flashback---

The frigid winter morning cast a silvery glow through the frost-covered windows of Gryffindor Tower. Alexia sat alone in her dormitory, surrounded by the peaceful stillness of the room. The only sound was the crackling of the magical fire, fighting against the cold invading from the outside.

With the letter clutched in her hands, Alexia hesitated before breaking the seal, knowing that the words within might hold answers or deepen the enigma surrounding her mother's actions. The parchment felt delicate, like a fragile connection to the world outside the castle.

The first line, written in her mother's familiar script, struck a chord within her. "I really hope you can forgive me." The ink seemed to carry an unspoken weight, and as Alexia continued reading, the words painted a complex picture of Isadora Jackson's current endeavors.

"I'm traveling to the USA right now with Adrian, special case, see you soon, we need to talk. Love, Mum."

The mention of traveling to the USA with Adrian raised more questions than it answered. Alexia furrowed her brows, pondering the significance of this "special case" that required her mother's attention. The sense of confusion and frustration that had become constant companions intensified.

As she read on, a sudden surge of emotions overwhelmed her. The uncertainty of the situation and feeling left in the dark merged into a bitter cocktail of anger and sadness. Unconsciously, Alexia's hands tightened around the parchment.

A flicker of warmth from the dwindling fire drew her attention, the enchanting flames dancing in the hearth. It reflected the turmoil within her, a tempest of emotions that begged for release. In a moment of impulsive frustration and to Alexia's surprise, the parchment caught fire in her own hands, with an ethereal intensity, the flames dancing and swirling as if in tune with Alexia's turbulent emotions. The letter disintegrated before her eyes, the remnants of words and ink consumed by the fiery manifestation of her inner rage.

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