Chapter #4

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The Gryffindor Quidditch team was ready for their training session, but when the Slytherins told them Professor Snape had given they permission to use the field at the same time the Gryffindor team, chaos was slashed.

Alexia, Ron, and Hermione who were sitting nearby, decided to walk there, asking Harry what was happening.

One thing led to another and the last time Alexia could remember clearly was Draco Malfoy's evil smirk.

"No one asked for your opinion you little filthy mudblood."

Ron's face turned red with anger, and he raised her wand, ready to hex Draco. But before he could cast a spell, his damaged wand backfired, sending him flying back, holding his stomach.

The Slytherins around Draco erupted in laughter, enjoying the spectacle. Harry, Hermione, and the rest of the Gryffindor Quidditch team rushed to Ron's side, trying to help him as he vomited up slugs.

But Alexia Jackson, her fiery temper getting the best of her, couldn't stand by and watch Draco humiliate her friends. With a furious yell, she lunged at Draco, her fist connecting with his cheek. The force of the punch knocked Draco to the ground, and he let out a yelp of pain.

The Slytherin team, shocked by Alexia's unexpected outburst, quickly retreated, leaving Draco sprawled on the grass. Alexia stood over him, breathing heavily, her eyes blazing with anger.

"Leave her alone, Malfoy," she spat, her voice trembling with fury.

Draco scrambled to his feet, his face red with embarrassment and pain.

"My father will hear about this."

He shot Alexia a venomous glare before hurriedly joining his teammates as they made a hasty retreat.

Alexia was in detention for weeks after that, but she didn't regret a single minute of it.

- End of Flashback -

After breakfast, the group of friends began their walk to the Divination classroom almost immediately, noticing the classroom was nowhere near the Great Hall.

Breakfast was somehow weird, Alexia noticed how Hermione would avoid her gaze and didn't even scoff at her when she mentioned the one thing she was looking forward to most this year was to finally play Quidditch.


As the friends settled into the Divination classroom, Alexia took a seat at the table next to Harry and Ron, her brow furrowed in confusion as she looked around for Hermione, she saved her friend the seat next to her. The classroom had a rather peculiar and mystical atmosphere, with drapes and dusty crystal balls scattered about. Alexia wondered what was keeping Hermione.

She was just by my side!

Professor Trelawney, the eccentric Divination teacher, entered the room with a dreamy expression. She had a cloud of shawls draped around her and was clutching a teacup like it held the secrets of the universe. Her ethereal presence commanded attention.

"Good day, my dear students," Professor Trelawney greeted in her airy voice, her wide eyes seemingly lost in the distance. "Welcome to the noble art of Divination. I am Professor Trelawney, your guide on this mystical journey. Today, we shall begin with a simple tea leaf reading. It is the language of the cosmos, whispered by the leaves and deciphered by the chosen few."

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