Chapter #22

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As Alexia and Hermione walked side by side towards the Gryffindor Tower, their steps echoed in the dimly lit corridor. The air carried a mix of tension from their recent discoveries and the urgency to save Buckbeak.

They approached the Fat Lady's portrait, and just as Hermione opened her mouth to utter the password, the painted lady within the frame offered a sly comment towards Alexia, "Back again, are we, dearie? Seems like you bring a different friend every time."

A flush of embarrassment crept up Alexia's cheeks, and she shot a quick apologetic glance at Hermione. "It's not like that," she mumbled, feeling the need to explain.

Hermione, catching the undertone, responded rolling her eyes, "Well, she's not wrong. You did bring Emily once."

The Fat Lady chuckled as she swung open, allowing the girls to enter the Gryffindor common room. Inside, the atmosphere was a mix of warmth and coldness coming from Hermione, with students engaged in various activities. Alexia and Hermione, however, remained focused on their mission.

Both girls find Harry and Ron, and before Ron can say something about how he is still mad at Hermione for defending Crookshanks, Hermione speaks. 

Hermione, her expression a mix of sadness and urgency, shared the unfortunate news about Hagrid's beloved Hippogriff. Ron's retort about Hermione's cat was on the tip of his tongue, but a glance at her troubled face made him think twice.

Hermione's emotions, however, were not solely focused on the fate of Buckbeak. In the midst of delivering the grim news, a pang of jealousy seeped into her heart. The sight of Alexia inviting Emily to the Common Room was vivid in her mind, of course, she couldn't say anything to Alexia.

Alexia, sensing the shift in the emotional currents, decided to cut to the chase. "We need to find a way to save Buckbeak," she declared, her eyes locking with Hermione's for a brief moment. There was a subtle acknowledgment in that exchange, an unspoken understanding that transcended the immediate concern for Hagrid's creature.

The urgency of their shared mission momentarily overshadowed any lingering tension among the trio. Together, they began to discuss possible strategies and avenues to prevent the unjust execution, their collective determination pushing aside personal grievances for the time being.

In the midst of the heavy atmosphere concerning Buckbeak's impending execution, Alexia couldn't shake the weight of the revelation she'd recently learned from Isadora Morganach. Nervousness clung to her like a shadow as she prepared to share this newfound knowledge with her friends.

As she began recounting the story of Vala Nethercote, and the concept of Ancient Magic, Harry wore a perplexed expression. "Ancient Magic? What does that even mean?" he asked, his forehead creased with confusion.

Ron, on the other hand, looked positively awestruck. "Ancient Magic? Blimey, my dad mentioned something about that once. Said it's old, powerful stuff."

Hermione, always the diligent researcher, felt a shiver run down her spine. She had read extensively about the responsibilities that came with being a holder of Ancient Magic. The weight of that knowledge settled heavily on her shoulders, and fear flickered in her eyes.

The room fell silent for a moment as the weight of this mystical revelation sank in. The impending execution of Buckbeak now shared space with the realization that Alexia carried a legacy of ancient power, a responsibility that transcended the ordinary struggles of teenage life at Hogwarts. After the important revelation, Ron couldn't resist breaking the tension. He scratched his head, looking at Alexia with a curious expression.

"So... What can you do?" he asked, his tone a mix of fascination and genuine curiosity.

Alexia, caught off guard by the question, blinked. "Well... I-I you know..." She chuckled nervously. "I have no idea! It's not like I've received an instruction manual along with this revelation."

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