Chapter #20

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In the second-floor girls' lavatory, the air thick with the pungent scent of various potion ingredients, Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Alexia gathered around a cauldron filled with the bubbling Polyjuice Potion. The potion had an odd, murky quality, reflecting the uncertainty of the task ahead.

As the quartet prepared to transform into Slytherins to extract information, Hermione added a few ginger cat hairs, mistakenly obtained from Millicent Bulstrode's cat, not knowing this, she took a big sip of the potion.

Once the transformation was complete, Ron and Harry left for the Slytherin Common Room, as Alexia decided to stay with Hermione. The atmosphere was tense, and the echoing laughter of Moaning Myrtle filled the space.

Myrtle's ghostly figure materialized in the bathroom, her eyes gleaming mischievously. "Well, well, cat got your tongue?" she taunted.

Alexia's patience wore thin, and with a stern expression, she stepped forward, defending her friend. "Enough, Myrtle. We're here on important business, and we don't need your commentary. So, either help us or stay out of the way."

Myrtle, taken aback by Alexia's assertiveness, floated away, mumbling complaints. Hermione looked at Alexia with gratitude, appreciating the support. The two girls exchanged determined glances, ready to face the challenges that lay ahead in their quest to uncover the secrets of the Chamber of Secrets.

---End of Flashback---

The dormitory was abruptly disrupted by loud noises and commotion, jolting Alexia from her peaceful slumber. The other girls were already stirring, exchanging confused glances as they tried to comprehend the source of the disturbance. Rubbing sleep from her eyes, Alexia joined the hushed whispers of her roommates, all echoing the same question: What was happening?

As they emerged from the dormitory, the Gryffindor Prefect appeared, her expression a mix of concern and urgency. She swiftly directed the girls toward the common room, leading them through the darkened corridors. The air was thick with tension, and the flickering candlelight did little to dispel the sense of unease that hung in the atmosphere.

In the common room, a small group of students had gathered, their worried expressions mirroring the confusion etched on Alexia's face. The news spread like wildfire among them – Ron Weasley had been attacked. The revelation hung in the air, casting a shadow over the room and leaving everyone grappling with the implications.

Alexia's heart raced as she absorbed the gravity of the situation. Thoughts raced through her mind – questions without immediate answers. What had happened to Ron, and who could have attacked him? The air in the common room crackled with anxiety, and a heavy silence settled over the students as they awaited further information, their concern deepening with each passing moment. 

Alexia's heart pounded as she located Harry amidst the worried crowd. Joining him by Ron's side, she anxiously asked what had transpired. Ron's eyes, wide with fear, met hers, and he recounted the harrowing incident.

"Sirius Black," he whispered, the name carrying a weight of terror. He described how Black had tore apart his bed's curtains. The unsettling image painted a vivid picture of the danger that lurked within the castle walls, and the realization that someone so notorious had breached their sanctuary sent shivers through the assembled students.

Alexia's mind raced with thoughts of the notorious fugitive and the potential threat he posed. The unsettling feeling that darkness had infiltrated the very heart of the school gripped her, and she exchanged concerned glances with Harry, the gravity of the situation settling heavily on their shoulders.

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