Chapter #23

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My Dearest Alexia,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am thrilled to inform you that I have returned and will be attending the Quidditch final tomorrow to cheer you on. I have missed you immensely and can't wait to see you in action.

I'll see you soon.

With all my love,

In the Gryffindor Common room, Alexia sat on the big couch by the fire, the letter from her mother crumpled in her hand. The words on the parchment seemed to dance before her eyes, but the underlying emotions were harder to decipher. Her mother, Isadora Jackson, was back, and not just back, but planning to attend the Quidditch final. The news should have brought joy, but it only fueled the anger and frustration that had been simmering within Alexia for weeks.

The revelation of her connection to Sirius Black, a name synonymous with fear and darkness, lingered like a shadow. Isadora had chosen to keep this crucial information hidden, leaving Alexia to grapple with the implications on her own. The loyalty she had felt toward her mother was now entangled with a web of secrets and unanswered questions.

The upcoming Quidditch final, where Alexia would showcase her skills on the pitch, suddenly felt like a stage for a family drama. Would Isadora's presence in the stands bring closure or more complications? Alexia couldn't be sure, and the uncertainty left her with a bitter taste in her mouth.

As she unfolded the crumpled letter once more, Alexia couldn't shake the mixture of emotions coursing through her. The words "with all my love" echoed hollowly, a stark reminder of the fractured trust between them.

The Gryffindor Common Room was filled with the low hum of whispered conversations and the occasional rustle of parchment. Hermione was hunched over her books, deep in study, her dedication evident in the furrow of her brow. Harry and Ron were engaged in a lively discussion about Quidditch strategies, occasionally glancing at their own textbooks.

Feeling a sense of restlessness, Alexia rose from her seat and stretched, her eyes wandering over the familiar room. The enchanted fire crackled in the hearth, casting a warm glow across the tapestries and worn-out furniture. She couldn't escape the feeling that there was more to discover, more to understand about her own identity.

Hermione shot her a fleeting glance, a mix of concern and curiosity in her eyes, but Alexia brushed it off with a casual smile. She slipped out of the common room, making her way through the labyrinthine corridors of Hogwarts. The castle seemed to echo with the whispers of its own secrets.

As she turned a corner on her way to the room of Requirement, a group of Slytherins, led by Pansy Parkinson, emerged from the shadows. Their eyes narrowed as they spotted Alexia.

"Well, well, if it isn't the brave Gryffindor lost in the dungeons. Looking for trouble, Jackson?" Pansy sneered, her companions smirking in agreement.

Alexia raised an eyebrow, a sarcastic smile playing on her lips. "Trouble? Please, Parkinson, I've been looking for something more exciting than your usual Slytherin drama."

Pansy's expression shifted from arrogance to annoyance. "You're not as clever as you think, Gryffindor. This isn't a playground for your witty remarks."

The Slytherins closed in, and Alexia's posture remained defiant. Instead of fear, a hint of cockiness colored her demeanor. 

The Slytherins closed in, encircling Alexia like a pack of predators surrounding their prey. Pansy Parkinson, the ringleader, stood at the forefront, her eyes gleaming with a mix of malice and determination. The dim light of the empty hall cast a spooky glow, intensifying the tension in the air.

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