Chapter #15

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With the sudden revelation that she's connected to Sirius Black, Alexia's emotions swirled into a tempest of disbelief, confusion, and a tinge of anger. The revelation was like an unexpected crack in the world she thought she knew, shaking the foundations of trust in her own family history. The unexpected link to someone accused of such a heinous betrayal left her questioning everything she had believed.

The weight of this revelation was both a burden and a disruption. It stirred a tumult of emotions, painting her world with shades of gray where once there were only blacks and whites. There was disbelief, as the image of her family's integrity was now questioned. The anger simmered beneath the surface, yet was restrained by the overwhelming need to seek the truth.

Confusion clouded her thoughts as she grappled with this new piece of information. Her identity felt momentarily suspended, caught between the reality of her connections and the values she held dear. There was a growing fire within her—a fierce determination to seek out the truth, despite the discomfort and unease she felt.

This revelation had the potential to shatter her perceptions of trust and justice. A collision of emotions swirled within her, pushing her to reevaluate everything she knew while grappling with the desire to confront Sirius Black's alleged betrayal and the overwhelming possibility that the truth might be more complex than she'd been led to believe.

Alexia's emotions swirled in a tempest of disbelief and anger, a tumultuous clash of feelings that ricocheted within her chest. The discovery of her connection to Sirius Black, entangled in the web of his alleged betrayal, had ignited a spark of rage within her. But the anger didn't just hover around the accusation against Black; it also singed her perception of her own mother.

The revelation, concealed for so long, felt like a betrayal in itself. It was a weighty secret her mother had kept hidden, one that could alter her perspective on everything she had come to believe. The sudden and surprising connection to someone accused of such a terrible crime was a bombshell that had shattered her sense of trust.

The questions swirled in her mind: How could her mother keep such a vital piece of family history a secret? Why hadn't she been honest about the connection between them? A fissure emerged in the relationship between mother and daughter, a feeling of betrayal that clouded the trust Alexia had always placed in her.

This anger and disappointment in her mother churned within her, adding to the complex mix of emotions that now simmered within her soul. It felt like a disheartening and confusing revelation that had severed the unshakeable bond of trust between them.


Hermione, Harry, and Ron were profoundly worried about Alexia. Her sudden withdrawal from the usual interactions left them feeling adrift. The once-vibrant camaraderie among the friends was fractured, the void of Alexia's presence leaving a notable absence. 

The absence of their friend's laughter and vibrant presence felt like a void within the trio. Hermione's books lay neglected on her bed; she had spent more time pondering Alexia's uncharacteristic withdrawal than focusing on her studies (Even though it was Christmas break). Ron was restless, more distracted than ever, his thoughts wandering back to their absent friend. Harry, often up late staring at the Marauder's Map, had noticed the marker representing Alexia's presence at Hogwarts, moving little, from her dormitory straight to the Astronomy Tower and then disappearing as the mark approached a regular wall.

Their conversations often circled back to Alexia's disappearance from their lives, it had been five days and Christmas was coming, and they were missing their friend even more. Hermione kept noticing glimpses of Alexia in the Gryffindor Common Room, only for her to vanish in an instant, leaving behind an air of sadness and solitude.

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