Chapter #14

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As the moonlight spilled over the grounds of Hogwarts, Sirius Black, and Isadora Jackson, snuck out of Gryffindor Tower and made their way to an empty classroom. There, they found a secluded spot where they could sit and talk without fear of being seen.

Sirius had a heavy heart, and Isadora could sense his inner turmoil. She looked at him, her blue eyes filled with concern. "Sirius, you've been so distant lately. What's been bothering you?"

He sighed, the weight of his emotions almost too much to bear. "It's Regulus, my younger brother. We had an argument over the summer, and we haven't talked since then."

Isadora listened attentively, her heart going out to Sirius. "I'm so sorry to hear that. What happened between the two of you?"

"We're from a pure-blood family, you see," Sirius began. "But Regulus... he's different. He's embraced our family's beliefs and is willing to join the Death Eaters. He was eager to prove himself, to earn my parents' approval. I tried to warn him about the darkness he was getting involved in, but he didn't listen."

Isadora nodded in understanding. "It must be hard for you, having a brother so deeply entrenched in that world."

Sirius's eyes met hers, his expression pained. "It is. I wish he'd see the truth about what's happening. But he's gone, and I fear for his safety. I don't know where he is or what he's doing."

As they talked, Isadora and Sirius's closeness did not go unnoticed by their friends. James Potter, Lily Evans, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew had all noticed the way they often disappeared together, deep in conversation.

Isadora and Sirius's bond was strong, and they shared many secrets...

--End of Flashbacks---

The soft pitter-patter of the rain echoed through the cozy Jackson residence, the friends were bustling about, neatly folding their clothes and packing their belongings.

Isadora, with her cheerful demeanor, was preparing a delightful breakfast for the group.

The fragrance of pancakes and sizzling bacon wafted from the kitchen, mingling with the warmth and comfort of the enchanting home. The sounds of friendly banter and shared laughter reverberated throughout the house, filling the atmosphere with joy.

Isadora moved gracefully about the kitchen, humming a sweet melody while cooking. Her sunny disposition illuminated the room, as she effortlessly crafted a mouthwatering feast for the departing friends.

Isadora: "Breakfast is almost ready, my darlings! I'm making your favorites before you head back to Hogwarts."

The friends, anticipating the scrumptious meal, gathered around the table, eagerly chatting and sharing stories from their delightful weekend. Hermione and Alexia were engaged in a conversation about recent discoveries in the lake, brand new species of flowers both friends were eager to learn more about, while Ron and Harry share a playful smirk, mouthing "nerds" to each other. 

The aroma of breakfast filled the air, and as the rain tapped gently against the windows, the serene ambiance enveloped the friends. Isadora presented the sumptuous breakfast to her guests, each dish carefully crafted to their liking.

Isadora: "I hope you enjoy it, my dears. Let's eat, and then I'll take you to the Floo Powder station."

After savoring the delightful breakfast, the friends took a moment to express their gratitude to Isadora, their voices filled with appreciation for the warm hospitality she had shown. Isadora smiled at them, her heart warmed by their fondness and their enchanting company throughout the weekend.

blooming (h.g x fem oc) book 1Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant