Chapter #13

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The sun peeked through the curtains of the cozy kitchen at the Jackson residence as Isadora hummed a soft tune while cooking breakfast. The tension between her and Alexia was still palpable after their late-night argument. Alexia, Hermione, Harry, and Ron were sitting at the wooden table, trying to break the ice.

Isadora glanced at her daughter and noticed Hermione's worried glances towards Alexia as well. She decided it was time to mend the situation and offered a small smile to her guests.

Hermione, eager to ease the atmosphere, asked, "Isadora, we've always been curious about your job at the International Magical Office of Law. What kind of work do you do there?"

Isadora shifted her attention from the food and replied, "Well, dear, I'm an investigator. I deal with various magical cases, especially those that involve international law and magical creatures. It can be quite challenging at times, but I enjoy it."

Hermione continued, "Have you ever worked on a case related to magical creatures? Like dragons or Hippogriffs?"

Isadora smiled at her interest. "Yes, dear. I've been involved in a few cases related to magical creatures. They can be fascinating, and I've learned a lot from those experiences."

Ron, ever curious about magical creatures, chimed in, "Have you ever seen a Hippogriff up close?"

Isadora chuckled, "No, not a Hippogriff, but I've encountered other magical creatures during my work. It's been an adventure, that's for sure."

Harry joined the conversation, "What's the most exciting case you've ever worked on?"

Isadora's eyes lit up as she recalled a particularly interesting case. "Oh, there was this one case involving a Nogtail infestation in a Muggle village. It took some time to track them down and remove the dark magic they left behind. Quite thrilling."

Hermione, sensing a more relaxed atmosphere, asked, "And how did you become interested in this line of work, Isadora?"

Isadora's smile softened, and she replied, "Well, Hermione, it was partly because of my time at Hogwarts. I was always fascinated by the magical world and its complexities. It felt natural to pursue a career in magical law to make a positive impact."

Hermione decided to steer the conversation toward something they were all familiar with.
She asked, "Isadora, have you heard about the situation with Hagrid and Buckbeak? He's been wrongfully accused, and it's become quite a challenge to prove his innocence."

Isadora nodded, her expression reflecting the seriousness of the situation. "Yes, Hermione, I've been following the case. It's a difficult one, especially since some members of the school board seem to be swayed by Lucius Malfoy. He's a prominent figure in the wizarding world. He holds a lot of influence, and some members of the school board may be hesitant to go against his wishes."

Alexia frowned. "But why?"

Hermione and the boys exchanged glances, but Isadora decided to be straightforward with her daughter. "I'll explain it all to you later, Alexia. For now, just know that sometimes in our world, some use their power and influence to get their way, even when it might not be just. It's not a simple matter, and we need to be careful when dealing with such situations."

Alexia didn't seem entirely satisfied with her mother's answer, but she decided not to ruin breakfast for her friends. She decided to focus on the breakfast in front of her, hoping to enjoy the meal in the company of her friends and mother without any more heavy discussions.

After breakfast, the friends helped Isadora with the dishes and decided to take a troll around the village.

Under the pale sunlight filtering through the clouds, the village of Avalon's End remained enchanting yet distinctly chilly. The snow had settled, creating a picturesque scene around the cobbled streets. The air was crisp, urging the visitors to wrap their cloaks tighter around themselves as they wandered through the village.

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