Zhao Huilin ran out when she heard the noise. When she saw that Yan Heqing was no longer there, she banged her head and immediately chased him out with a spatula.

Yan Heqing had long legs and walked very fast. When he got downstairs, Yan Shengbing just "caught up" with him. Yan Shengbing grabbed him with red eyes and yelled, "You can leave if you want. Come up with 5 million! A one-time buyout."

Zhao Huilin also arrived. When she heard Yan Shengbing's words, her eyes suddenly turned black. She had no hope in life. It was Yan Heqing's appearance that gave her hope, but now he told her that 5 million was gone? She rushed up and pulled Yan Heqing upstairs, "Son, go home for dinner."

At this time, a tall figure appeared immediately and easily blocked the couple, "What are you doing!"

It was Zhao Qiang.

Last year, Lu Muchi found the Yan family. Yan Shengbing and Zhao Huilin met Zhao Qiang once and were deeply impressed. Now that they saw him again, they quickly thought that he was Lu Muchi's bodyguard, and they even concluded that Yan Heqing had climbed into Lu Muchi's bodyguard.

Yan Shengbing blushed and said, "Son, I have raised you for 13 years, and it is only natural that you pay me 5 million! Master Lu is so rich, 5 million is nothing to him, but it can save my life. Son, you can't ignore me." ..."

Yan Shengbing's nose was filled with tears. Zhao Huilin tried his best to pull Yan Heqing into soft words, but was blocked by Zhao Qiang again. Lu Lin promised that Yan Heqing would be unharmed, but Zhao Qiang was cautious and did not let her touch a single hair of Yan Heqing. , "Don't blame me for being rude if you do it again!"

Already some neighbors came to watch the fun.

Seeing that the effect was achieved, Yan Heqing said to Zhao Qiang, "I'll leave first."

Zhao Qiang instantly became submissive, "Don't worry, I will take care of it."

Yan Heqing left, and Yan Shengbing and Zhao Huilin were completely hysterical. However, no matter how noisy the two were, they could not compare to the professional bodyguard Zhao Qiang. Zhao Qiang easily restrained them. After Yan Heqing left the community, he released them and warned them, "Don't harass my boss again in the future." "

Zhao Qiang also left.

Yan Shengbing bullied the weak and was afraid of the strong, but he couldn't beat Zhao Qiang. Now that Yan Heqing was gone, the 5 million was completely out of the question. He was angry and scared, so he took out all his anger on Zhao Huilin, grabbed her head and pressed her to the ground and beat her, "The 5 million is gone, don't even think about it." Live! I'll beat you to death!"

He was not too drunk this time, but he hit Zhao Huilin with a fatal blow. There was a huge disparity in strength between men and women, and Zhao Huilin couldn't resist at all. He cried loudly, "Help! I killed someone! Save someone..."

One neighbor couldn't stand it anymore and wanted to start a fight. Yan Shengbing's eyes turned red and he yelled, "I'll kill anyone who helps her!"

No one dared to step forward.

Yan Feng stood on the balcony, looking downstairs in horror, not daring to move and trembling all over. Urine kept dripping from his pants to the ground.

In the white car, the man filmed the entire process and sent it to Cheng Jian.

"Master Cheng, he is Lu Muchi's bodyguard." He was talking about Zhao Qiang.

Cheng Jian blew out the smoke ring, paused the screen, stared at Yan Heqing, and grinned coldly.

After hearing Zhao Weifang's one-sided words before, he still didn't believe that a rotten person like Lu Muchi could be sincere. But after meeting Zhao Qiang today, he finally believed it.

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