Shades of Blue

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No one tell her
Let her believe, you mean everything to her
Say the fire warms us still and forever
Let her see the future in your eyes

I won't tell her that it never happens
That life gets in the way is not just something adults like to say
The words "We grew apart" in the aftertaste

I will be silent as I see her in my memories
I can not taint them all
As much as I want to strip away the love
Replace it with the pain of today

You can not taint them, I won't allow it
Loving with such reckless abandon
Can only happen once
To love that deeply with little incentive

I tried to rewrite history and claim
That was never love you showed me
But to do that to her is an injustice
She was a child, don't say that to her

Don't take that away from her too
You were the first to show her, at least then,
someone can look at her and love

Let the kids we were imagine their home
How they would dance in the kitchen
with no music, just like they always did
Somewhere deep within me they always will

- Midnight Blue

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