What wedding?

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It was around 9pm in the Frost household. The last whispers of daylight softly eroding away to reveal the bright and near full moon waxing and waning in the dark night sky; surrounded by an array of different stars. The house was quieter than normal when a ringing sound startled the young boy currently sitting in his bedroom. The landline rarely rang, which meant one of three things;
His dad was coming to town
His mom was late at work
The neighbour had fallen and needed help.

Luckily, it was option two. "Hey mom, what's up?" Jack said as he picked up the phone, "it's nothing serious honey, there was a bit of an emergency in the hospital tonight so I'll be home late, I'll transfer you some money to order food in" she said sweetly from the other end of the phone, "sure mom I'll see you tonight" Jack sighed as he hung up the phone and went back to his room. He was currently watching a YouTube livestream whilst finishing off his last assignment before school closed for winter break, which would normally bore the pants off of him, but chemistry was his favourite subject.

He got a ping to his mobile phone suggesting that the money had went through, and he decided he deserved a dinner break. Just as he was about to order, the phone rang again.

"Hey again" Jack said, "hi sweetie, I'm so sorry to keep bothering you, Stoic and Hiccup are gunna come round and stay for a couple of days. They'll be there in around half an hour, just to give you a heads up" she said, already anticipating Jack's reaction, "but mooom" jack groaned, he hated his mom's fiancée's son. He was the epitome of arrogance and self centredness. "Come on Jacky, I'll be home soon you won't need to put up with them alone for long, and plus stoic always brings you gifts" she reminded him, and it was true, stoic was one of the step-dad's who tried to hard by showering him in gifts. "Okay fine, see you soon" jack grumbled, hanging the phone up and ordering takeout.

Sure enough, half an hour into him eating his chow mein, the doorbell rang. Jack mentally prepared.

He made his way down the stairs and unlocked the large wooden door, "JACK!" Stoic cheered, pulling the small boy into a large bear hug, "I brought gifts!" He said in a sing song voice, "thanks" jack said awkwardly as he followed the pair into the living room, "hey where's my hug bro" hiccup smirked, pulling the smaller blonde boy into an awkward hug.

The three of them sat on the sofas and stoic turned the politics station on, handing jack a bag. "It's a PlayStation, it's for you and hiccup to share, there's a few games too" he said happily, waiting on Jack's reaction. "Thanks Stoic, that's really kind" Jack said with a forced smile as he took the gift bag. "You boys go up and play, I'll call you down when your mother is home" he said as he laid back and started watched angry middle aged politicians shout at each other.

The two boys walked up to Jack's room, it was decorated with blue paint and light blue snowflakes painted on, with a double bed in the middle facing a large flatscreen on a white cabinet. It was a little messy with a few articles of clothing scattered on the cold wooden floor.

"So Jacky, we gunna set our PlayStation up" Hiccup smirked, "it's Jack, I told you not to call me that" Jack grumbled as he kneeled next to the cabinet, plugging the new PlayStation into the wall and the tv. "Ooo someone's touchy" he chuckled as he threw himself onto a beanbag. "Whatever, here's your controller" he said as he passed the older boy a dark green controller, "thank ya kindly" he said as he turned it on, signing into his PSN account.

"So what's first, gaming or porn?" Hiccup said casually, turning Jack's usually pale expression to a blush rouge, "we are not watching po- that" Jack whispered, avoiding the word; he was always shy about sex and sexuality, but even more so around his annoying step brother. "I was kidding jeez" Hiccup laughed, handing Jack the inFAMOUS second son's disk and leading back with his legs spread.

The pair played for a couple of hours until they heard the door open, "BOYS!" Valka, Jack's mom, shouted from down the stairs. The pair ran down, Hiccup tripping Jack on the way down.

"I brought you guys some juice home" she said, handing them both a can of their favourite respective monster energy drinks, "sit, please" she said somewhat seriously, gesturing to the seats across from her and Stoic at the dining table. "So boys, we have something to tell you" she said with a smile, "me and Stoic" she said looking at him for reassurance, "are buying a house together and getting married!" She squealed, "and of course you'll live with us" she added as if it wasn't obvious.

Jack was devastated. No. Horrified.

"Wait, hold on. What!?" He said with an impossibly paler face, "I know it's a lot to take in but it's a gorgeous house and we've been together for over a year now" Valka said, "and plus, it makes more sense boys, it's a nicer area, and a much bigger house" Stoic added. "But dad, what about all my friends?" Hiccup sighed, knowing there was no changing his dad's mind once it was made. "You have a phone for a reason son, and you can make new ones, plus you and Jack are good friends" he said obliviously, Jack scoffed a little too loudly earning him a scornful look from his mom.

To be continued...

Step Bros (an improved rewrite)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora