Chapter 15

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Today's training was harsh, we had to do all sorts of exercises and I could have sworn that they made my biceps even more bigger. We practiced for about three hours and now it was time for lunch. I thought about calling Katli but maybe she was still sleeping at the moment.

I sat down on one of the benches and checked out the whole court and smiled, I actually loved my career. Being a basketball player was one thing I couldn't deny loving for a long time.

Alex the one and only peasant.

"Andrew London, the captain of this basketball team, how are you doing!!" He punched my shoulder and grinned.

I glared at him as he sat down, "What do you want my fellow deputy?"

He smirked, "I want your love honey."

I pushed him away from me, sometimes I tend to forget that he acted gay towards me for no reason.

He scratched my arm and bit his finger ,"Looking hot man."

I slapped his stomach and stood up, "I'm trying to think here stop with these flirtatious ways of your Alex."

He covered his mouth in shock and cut the act.

"Fine. Andrew call your wife and tell her to bring us lunch I'm hungry."
He grabbed his shirt an pulled it up revealing his six pack.

He pointed at his tummy and pouted, "It's so flat and lonely, it needs some food company."

I still glared at him as he looked at me trying to come up with puppy eyes. I looked a him disgusted as he tried but failed.

I chuckled, "You seriously think that we are in a cartoon series kinda thing bruh?"

He laughed and slapped my back, "You have a very firm back bruh, please don't tell me that Celestia hasn't fell in love with you."

I don't know what he was talking about because I had explained to him several times that me and Celestia were never going to fall in love.

I just didn't like her for some reason, she was too arrogant and self centered ant most times but at the same time she was generous and kind, that confused me. I wanted to see the real her.

"No Alex and she's not going to anytime soon."

He gave me faint smile, "I ship you both so much though Andrew."

Who was this person telling me about shipping people and love?

I stared a him confused, "Who are you?"

He grinned, "Alex brown at your service."

I sighed and continued thinking.
He stood up smiled at me.

"I hope you guys fall in love soon bruh, seeing you lonely actually hurts me."

I knew Alex was the one friend who cared about me more than Jimmy. The first time we met I called him my younger brother because he's two years younger than me making him twenty-four.

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