If you were to tell Thomas ~ Newtmas/Stydia❤️

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You know if you were going to tell Thomas that the love of his life would die in his arms, He would deny being in love with someone.

Especially if they were going to die.

Guess fate had other plans for him, As he now was sitting on his knees sobbing while holding a black, bloody and dead Newt.
If you told Thomas that the love of his life would be a boy, He'd deny Being Bi.

But fate had other plans for him, He knew he was wrong when he came up in the box and saw newts fluffy blonde hair and Hazel eyes that reminded him of tea, and warm sunny days.
If you told Thomas that His memories were fake?
He'd deny this and possibly punch you. Not wanting to disturb the memories of Newt.

But fate had other plans for him, As soon his body was waking up in a giant glass cylinder with blue liquid, and tubes attached to most parts of his body.
If you told Thomas that in both of his lives his lover would die in his arms, He'd Deny it and Tell himself he could never lose anyone like he lost Newt.

But fate had other plans for him, As now he had The dead body of his Strawberry blonde lover layed across his lap, Hazel eyes lifeless and filled with unshed tears. Her hair glowing in the red light of the fire, It reminded him of Iced tea and Orange tree leaves falling in the wind.
If you told Thomas that he would kill himself, He would have Denied you.

He accepted fates plan, As he now Stepped forwards off the bridge, His body floating through the wind like her strawberry blonde hair and like his blond curls. His tired body hit the rocks, rolled off and floated down the river.
If you told Thomas that he would Find himself back in both his lover's embraces, He would have prayed for the chance.

Fate let him have a happy ending.



Sincerely - AngelBerry

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