Chapter 8: Kilo Pickup

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Date: 8/27/30

Time: 1832

Location: Raider Team Camp, Bullhead Docks, Beacon Academy

Floyd: Alright, we-

TOC: TOC to Raider 1-1, TOC to Raider 1-1 how copy?

David: I read you TOC.

TOC: New orders coming in from Colonel Mackel, break. You are to link with CIA operatives that are in Vale, break. CIA cannot request evac as radio waves override their technology amd getting the birds in are impossible.

David: Roger wilco.

TOC: Transport enroute to your AO. Kilo Company of the 3rd Battalion, 1st Marines are moving to stand in for your position, TOC out.

David looked to his team as they all complied.

David: Alright, pack everything up, we'll be moving in 0100. Thundering Third is moving to take our position.

Raider: Yes Captain.

Soon Raider Team started packing everything up as a white haired female walked up to the team.

David: Dubois.

John: Yes sir?

David: Were you able to spot an LZ for the bird?

John: Negative, but we could just land it here.

David thought about it for a minute before he was interrupted.

Winter: Excuse me, sir.

David and John then turned to the Atlas Specialist.

John: Huh? Specialist Schnee?

Winter: Hello again Sergeant.

David: Dub, this the lady for earlier?

John: Yes sir.

David then turned to Winter.

David: Do you need something ma'am?

Winter: I just have a question.

David: Yeah?

Winter: Were you the men who trespassed onto Beacon before?

David then froze for a second before becoming suspicious.

David: 'How do the Atlesian's know...? That news crew was from Vale, and knowing those upstanding pricks, they wouldn't watch Vale News...' We are, is there a problem?

Winter: No, no... I'm just interested in your weaponry.

David: *Sigh* Specialist!

Winter then stepped back.

Winter: Sorry if I intruded.

David: No not you, Salem!

Floyd quickly rushed to the 3.

Floyd: Sir!

Winter then looked to Floyd.

Winter: 'He's a Specialist!? He seems extremely young!'

David: Explain some basics of your M17, we'll finish packing up for the bird.

Floyd: Yes sir!

Floyd then looked to Winter as he grabbed his M17 pulling the slide back as he removed the magazine showing it.

Floyd: Alright, you ready ma'am?

Winter: Yes, of course.

Floyd: This is the standard M17 pistol, 9 millimeter with a 17 round magazine.

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