Lights! Camera! Smile!

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Ichinose POV

As my alarm went off I rolled over to turn it off. I rubbed my itching eyes and rolled out of bed. Monday has come, everyone's least favorite day. I looked at my reflection in the mirror and sighed at my red cheeks and eyes. Sleep didn't come easy to me last night. I went into the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth.


I splashed cold water on my face as I grabbed a toothbrush from the cup. I wonder what today's class will be like.. I hope there isn't another special exam or test anytime soon. I brushed my teeth for about 2 minutes before leaving the bathroom. I laid out my uniform and looked through my dresser for socks when my doorbell rang.

"Who is it" I called out without moving from my spot.

"Sato" was the reply. I sighed and went to the door and unlocked the chain. I opened the door and saw shew as carrying a big box.

"What is this" I asked letting her inside where she placed the box down on the floor. She ignored my question and went straight to the kitchen and grabbed a pair of scissors to cut open the box. When the box was open I saw a pink fluffy bean bag chair that I ordered. I looked up at her confused as to why she had it.

"I went downstairs to check my mailbox before going to school and there it sat" she answered pulling on the fluffy bag and placing it next to my table in the middle of the room.

"Oh thanks" I said as she held a thinking look on her face. She picked the bag up again and moved it to a different spot in the room then moved it back.

"What are you doing" I asked as she fluffed it up.

"Trying to see where one of these would look in my room. I'm getting one of these in light purple" she said moving it again. I sighed and went back to looking for my socks that were surprisingly missing.

"What are you looking for" Sato asked sitting in the bean bag chair once she had it in the spot she wanted.

''My socks.. I can't find them" I said while looking around. After about 3 minutes I finally found them hidden away in my nightstand. I quickly got dressed while Sato left to go back to her own dorm. I left my dorm and checked my phone for any messages from Kiyotaka but there wasn't one. I went to the cafe to grab a quick breakfast wrap and a drink. As I waited in line my phone buzzed with an email from the school.

'Attention all students: A mini special test will be held in all the classrooms. Explanation will be delivered by your homeroom teachers. This test is also optional and not required for all students to participate in'

I sighed and placed my phone back in my pocket and grabbed my order before going back out the door, going in the direction of the school. I walked into the  school, throwing away my wrapper and empty cup in the trash before going to the stairwell. I stopped to pull my sock up when someone grabbed my hand. I thought it was Kiyotaka so I turned around excited but to my annoyance it was Hosen. I pulled my hand away quickly and wiped it on my jacket before turning away from him.

"KARUIZAWA KEI... LET ME SHOW YOU MY SINCERE APOLOGY FOR THE WAY I'VE BEEN TOWARDS YOU" he shouted at the top of his lungs which of course attracted a lot of attention from the students around us. I blushed a deep red and ran up the stairs away from the eyes that were staring at me and from Hosen who was almost on his knees in a bowing position. I reached my classroom and calmed my emotions down before walking inside. Once my heart was beating at a normal pace I went in the class and was greeted by all my friends. As time went by I was sitting at my seat when playing with my phone when Kiyotaka walked into the classroom with an annoyed Horikita behind him. It was a little obvious that he was ignoring her but she wasn't the type to give up.

Kei and ayanokoji love story ( A COTE story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang