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Naina's POV:

I was heading to the restroom during our psychology lecture.
I found myself lost in thoughts related to Sameer again!
I didn't see Sameer in the last class, and I worried where he might be.

As I walked through the corridor, I noticed the stairs leading towards the terrace of the school, and the door was open. But why was it open? Wasn't it permanently closed because of the incident that happened last month? Is anyone up there and thinking of doing something stupid again?

Oh no!
I have to check. I looked around and saw someone standing at the edge of the terrace.

My eyes widened, and I ran towards him. As I got closer, I recognized the person. It was Sameer. My body turned cold. What the hell was he thinking? 

"Sameer!" I called out to him, and he turned around. "What are you doing? What were you thinking of doing? Come down! Have you gone insane? "He kept looking at me with no expressions on his face, making it impossible for me to guess his condition.

Is he depressed because of all that bullying? Yes! That may be the reason I have to stop him.

 "Sameer, please come down! Please listen to me! Let's talk about the bullying. You don't have to do this. "

I saw him rolling his eyes at me. Huh? Is he out of his mind? He's about to jump, and he's rolling his eyes at me?

"Are you even listening? It's dangerous up there! Come down or you will fall. It's very high!"

He sighed and came down. I sighed in relief and quickly held his hand out of relief.

"What were you even thinking? "He gaped at me and then spoke, his voice calm and composed as I tried to process what he asked.

"Suraj fell from here, right?"

"Huh? What? "

Sameer: "Suraj Ahuja. Did you already forget about him? It's only been a month."

"Naira: "Suraj? Oh yes, I remember (in a sad tone). How can we forget him? He fell from here one month ago on yesterday's date. But why do you ask?"

"Hmm... never mind."

He pulled his hand out of my grip and turned to walk away. I shouted from behind, still concerned about what he was going to do.

"Where are you going? "He stopped and replied without looking at me.

Sameer: "Better mind your own business, stupid. You interfere too much in my life."

And he continued walking. What the hell is wrong with him, I thought.

 The sky was cloudy, indicating that it was about to rain—usually my favorite weather. However, today it didn't bring me happiness because he spoke rudely with me.

I got down from the terrace and left without being noticed by anyone as it was prohibited to enter the terrace.

college was over, and all the students were headed home.

 I couldn't spot Shruti, and I was waiting for Sameer to come out. It had started raining now, and the fresh breeze was blowing on my face, It gave me peace and happiness!

I don't usually wait for him, but I just wanted to make sure he is fine and goes back home safely today without being troubled by those bullies.

It was today that he was late than usual. He usually leaves college as soon as the lectures get over.
I was thinking about the weather and Sameer when I felt someone's hand on my shoulder. 
I flinched before looking at the person who had touched me. 
It was Shruti.

Shruti: "Hey, are you going to wait for him today also?"

Naira: "Yeah, you can go back home, I saw you rushing out in the morning from the cafeteria, what happened?

Shruti: - Oh right about that! My sister fell severely ill, and I was informed that she had a 102-degree fever, so I had to rush to the infirmary also I wanted to apologize for ditching you in the cafeteria when Rivaj, Rohan, and Mohini were bullying you, and I left without helping you. "

Naira (Confused):
"How did you come to know about what happened in the cafeteria in the morning? Weren't you outside the cafeteria when it happened?"

Shruti: "The talk about you and Sameer has been all over the college, I got to know from there and I felt so bad for not helping you when you were in trouble..."

Naira: " It's alright! Plus, your sister's health is more important! How is she doing now?" 

Shruti: "The nurse has given her medicine, but we had to admit her in the hospital because she was really weak, and the doctor informed us that she caught Dengue" 

Naira: " Oh no! Hope she gets well soon!" 

Shruti: " She will! She has wishes from her amazing sister and her gorgeous Naira Didi!"

~After a few minutes of silence~

Shruti: "Hmm... You are so stupid, Naira. People fall for morally gray men and walking red flags, and here you are, someone who fell for a sweet and innocent nerd. Why don't you go and tell about your sweet crush to him?"

Naira: "I am just gathering up my courage or at least trying to.... "

"You say this every single time! I'll leave after some time if you take more than 10 minutes. My sister is in the hospital, so I have to go see her."

Naira: "You can go right now! Get your sister her favorite chocolates from my side so she gets well soon!"

Shruti: " I will!!! " 

With that, Shruti left. I walked back inside the school to check where Sameer could be.

Where can he be? It has been 40 minutes since college lectures ended. I hope he isn't stuck in something stupid again with those bullies. 

I came to my class, but he was not here. By this time, the college was pretty much empty. I began to search for him everywhere. I am getting worried about him now.

As I was walking in the corridor near the principal's office, I saw Sameer coming out of that room. He didn't see me as I had quickly hidden myself beside a locker. I saw him taking out his phone and calling someone.


 Sameer: "Arjun, Rivaj, Rohan."

I heard him say those names and hang up. He suddenly turned around, and I was caught off guard. Will he think I was eavesdropping? Then I heard the coughing sound of someone. It was a man. The sound came from the principal's office. Mr. Singhania, our principal, was coughing? I saw Sameer clenching his jaw and stepping close to me.

Naira: "Ummm, Sameer, what are you doing here? And what happened to the principal?"

Sameer (Silent, scary, deep voice): "And what are YOU doing here?"

Naira: "Umm, I... left my books... in the library and... wanted to get them."

"Sameer: "This isn't the way to the library."

I don't know why he was giving me this scary vibe. He looked and acted differently, Not like the Nerdy sweet boy I knew, he gave me this powerful man vibe...
He was glaring at me... ( and it was hella scary) 

Naira: "I... um... well... I am... going... home... bye!"
I blurted out these random words and ran away from there. I don't know why, but it felt so awkward.

whatever was happening around me was definitely weird and something only God will know! 


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