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Naira's Pov

It was lunch break, and I wanted to see how Sameer was doing after what happened in class and what happened yesterday. When I checked on him, his face was all red, and his nose looked swollen. I hoped he was okay.

Shruti and I decided to sit with him for lunch since he was sitting alone. 

Naira: "Hey Sameer, you got new glasses? They look good on you! In fact, they suit you even more than your previous ones! Black looks good on you! But I was wondering, how are you managing to see with those broken ones? I'm just worried about you, that's all."

I ask as His new glasses were broken because Rivaj had stepped on them earlier this morning. 

I smiled, trying to cool down the atmosphere because it was becoming serious and awkward.
He didn't respond but continued eating his food and later looked at my face with no reaction.

Sameer: "I am fine."

Has he always been like this? Less words, more expressions and actions?

Naira: "Umm... You know, Sameer, you shouldn't be afraid of them. Just don't follow whatever they tell you to do because then they will target you more. The more you obey, the more they bully you. They always do that."

Sameer: "It's okay."

Naira's thoughts: Huh? Is everything ok? Why is he ok with them bullying him?

I was thinking about this when I heard someone speak from behind. It was Rivaj, Rohan, and, of course, their loyal dogs. They were coming right at us.

Rivaj: "Guys... Look, look... what a beautiful view! An asshole and a bitch sitting together!" I rolled my eyes at his ridiculous comment as he came again to bully him.

Doesn't he even let him eat peacefully!?

Naira: "What the hell do you want, Rivaj? Get lost! Let us eat peacefully!"

Rivaj (mimicking naira): "What the hell do you want, Rivaj? Get lost! Let us eat peacefully!" He spoke with pissed-off expressions.

Everyone in the college canteen was now looking at us.

Rohan: "OMG Sameer, you are so damn weak that you need a girl to protect you. What a dumbass...hopeless bitch you are!"

Rivaj: "Even a 5-year-old is better than you!! Idiot!!" All the students started laughing at the hideous comments these assholes threw at Sameer.

I was furious and saw Sameer quietly looking down and eating.

Naira: "You dumb assholes, bastards, bitches!!!" Before I could say more, Mohini took a glass of water from the nearby table and splashed it on my face.

She was the school's most popular girl, a rich bitch and Rivaj's girlfriend.

Mohini: "Well, I can't see any women messing with my boyfriend."

I stood there clenching my fist in anger. My hair, my shoes, my white embroidered kurta—everything was wet! And I didn't have anything to change into either.

Mohini came closer to me and pushed me away from Sameer.

I saw Shruti hurriedly leaving the cafeteria, she was speaking to someone earlier and she seemed really tensed...

I shifted my attention from my friend to Sameer and noticed that Rivaj was headed towards Sameer.

Naira: "Hey, stop pushing me!"

Mohini: "Or what, huh?" I tried to resist Mohini, but she pushed me again, and this time it was so hard that I fell on the ground.

Naira: "How dare you!!"

I was on the floor, caressing my butt when I noticed Rivaj grabbing my plate and pouring all the soup on Sameer (ugh, I should have finished it while talking to Sameer before).
The soup was hot, but Sameer's gaze was fixed on the table, not reacting to anything.

Naira: "Stop it, you bitch!"

Mohini: "Shut the fuck up, you asshole!!!" She took Shruti's plate and dropped her soup on me (turns out she didn't drink her soup either; it was hot, really hot!! Ouch! That hurt!).

Gasps left everyone's mouths as they enjoyed all the drama.

Teachers were sitting in the cafeteria, seeing all of this, but they never bothered to make a move, as the boys they would be messing with are the college trustee's cousin brother's son.
No one dared to say anything—not now, not before...not ever.

Rivaj sat beside Sameer's chair (the chair I was sitting in 5 minutes ago).

Rivaj: "Hey asshole! Stand up." Sameer did as he ordered.

Rivaj: "Go and complete our cleaning detention today in our place. Make sure to clean the basketball turf and the bathroom toilets properly!"

Naina's thoughts: What? He didn't even let him eat peacefully.

Naira: "What the..."

I was going to shout at Rivaj, but Sameer spoke softly and rushed out of the cafeteria. I stood up and glared at Mohini and was going to say something. Then Shruti came to me.

Shruti: "Naira, let's go; you should clean and dry your kurta," she whispered into my ear. please don't involve yourself with them. We will get in trouble. Come with me."

Shruti is also scared of these bullies like everyone else because they are the rich children of their rich parents. 

She held my hand and dragged me out of the cafeteria.


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