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In the serene morning rain of Bangalore, I couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia wash over me. The familiarity of the streets, the scent of morning dew mingling with the urban landscape, it all evoked a bittersweet longing for days gone by. Bangalore, a city where everyone always seems to be in a rush. Some people hurry to reach their offices, while students leisurely stroll down the footpaths, chatting and enjoying their time on their way to schools and colleges.

People change, places change, friends change... and as we journey through life, we change too, growing older, forgetting many things along the way. Yet, that nostalgic, happy feeling of our school and college days returns to us unexpectedly, as if it were just yesterday that we excelled in our studies and graduated. Whether those days were filled with joy or challenges, they hold a special place in our hearts, eternally remembered and cherished.

This vibrant city was where I lived. It's been ten years since I left, and during that time, the city, the college where I studied, and I have all changed significantly.

As I step through the gates of Christ University, a rush of excitement tinged with apprehension courses through me. Each footfall seems to echo with memories of who I once was and the person I am becoming.

Every step I take within the university's corridors, memories flood my mind like a torrential downpour. Laughter shared with friends, late-night study sessions fueled by coffee and companionship, moments of triumph and moments of struggle – they all unfold before me like scenes from a vivid movie reel.

Years have passed by, and now my room is adorned with multiple trophies, certificates, and medals. Yet, there's always a sense of pride when we discover our names on the toppers' list displayed on the bulletin boards of our schools and colleges. Naira Singh... Topper... Years 2013 and 2014 

The college campus is a sprawling expanse of lush greenery and vibrant life. As I enter through the grand gates, I am greeted again by meticulously manicured gardens adorned with colorful flowers, including enchanting rose gardens that exude a sweet fragrance. The pathways wind through these gardens, offering tranquil spots for students to relax and unwind between classes.

Scattered throughout the campus are charming wooden benches, nestled under the shade of towering trees or positioned strategically to offer scenic views of the surroundings. These benches serve as popular gathering spots for students to socialize, study, find peace or simply enjoy the serene ambiance of the campus.

The majestic hallways of the main academic buildings boast Lavish architecture, with high ceilings, intricate moldings, and large windows that allow ample natural light to filter in. These hallways are not just passageways but also serve as showcases of the college's rich history and academic achievements.

The enthralling auditoriums are state-of-the-art facilities equipped with top-notch sound and lighting systems, perfect for hosting a variety of events ranging from academic lectures and seminars to musical concerts and theatrical performances.

Sports enthusiasts can indulge in their passion at the numerous courts spread across the campus. From football and basketball courts to tennis and badminton courts, there's something for everyone. These facilities are well-maintained and often buzzing with activity as students engage in friendly matches and competitive tournaments.

For those inclined towards the arts, the campus offers dedicated music and dance rooms where students can practice their craft and showcase their talents. Various clubs cater to diverse interests, providing platforms for students to explore their hobbies and passions alongside like-minded peers.

The campus library is a true gem, reminiscent of the one depicted in Disney's "Beauty and the Beast," and is definitely my favorite part of the college. With towering bookshelves, cozy reading nooks, and stained-glass windows, it exudes an aura of magic and enchantment. Every fictional and non-fictional reader would feel right at home in this haven of knowledge and imagination, where they can lose themselves in the pages of countless books and embark on literary adventures.

Love and Lies ( under MAJOR Editing)✨Where stories live. Discover now