19 Frontierland: Part 2

Start from the beginning

"You okay, Sheriff?" Sam asked.

"'Course I'm okay," the sheriff snapped.

"It was a ghost!" Darla shouted.

"It wasn't a ghost. Unless ghosts leave footprints." The sheriff motioned to the floor, where dark footprints led out of the room.

"I am telling you, Elias Finch was here. He did that..." Darla motioned to the still-smoking bones. "And then he walked out that door."

"Rope didn't kill him. Seen it before," the sheriff said.

"Well, you got any idea where he could be?" Sam asked.

"Could be a thousand places," said the sheriff as he turned to leave the room.

"Well, you got a way to flush him out?" Dean asked.

The sheriff nodded. "'Course. We're gonna form a posse. Then we're gonna string Finch up right. Put a bullet in his head for good measure."

Dean nodded. "That actually sounds like a good plan."

The sheriff pointed at Sam and Dean. "You two should come along. Meet downstairs at dawn."

Dean nodded. "Yeah, we'll be there."

The sheriff gave me a look. "You should stay behind. Ain't no place for a lady. Sure, Elkins can fix you up with a room."

"I'll come along if you don't mind." I smiled, not really enjoying the sexism of the times.

The sheriff nodded. "Eh, I do mind, missy. This is man's work."

I nodded. "Ah, well, on second thought... I'll definitely be joining the posse then." I clicked my tongue and winked at him with a smirk.

The sheriff frowned in annoyance at me before turning his gaze to Sam and Dean. "Get yourselves some real gear first, huh?" Then he left the room.

"Well, I think we ought to pay our respects to Finch," Dean said.

Sam nodded. "I was thinking the same thing."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Later that night, we went to the cemetery to look for Finch, but the grave was open when we arrived. The coffin was smashed and burned, and there wasn't a body in sight.

"You guys thinking what I'm thinking?" I asked.

"Rose from the ashes, burned up its victim?" Dean asked, and Sam and I nodded. "You know, maybe we're not looking for a flaming bird. Maybe the phoenix is actually walking around in cowboy boots."

"That makes sense, right?" Sam shrugged. "Could be Finch. So, question is, how do we put this thing out?"

"Well, we do know one thing that'll kill friggin' anything, right?" Dean asked.

I nodded. "Yeah, the Colt."

"So, you go get the gun," Dean said.

"But isn't the gun coming here? I mean, according to Samuel Colt's journal?" Sam asked.

Dean nodded. "Yeah, but people here barely even know who Colt is. Maybe you got to go find him and make history. Maddi and I'll stay here, hook up with the posse." He smirked. "'Cause you know me... I'm a posse magnet. I mean, I love posse. Make that into a t-shirt." He smiled, proud of himself.

"You done?" Sam asked.

I just shook my head and looked at him. "What the hell is wrong with you, dude?"

Dean gave me a disappointed look.

Sam chuckled. "Look, the problem is... Colt's twenty miles outside of town. How am I supposed to get there and back before noon?"

Maddison Winchester: Journal 6 {Supernatural}Where stories live. Discover now