Tears are flowing through his face. From his previous knowledge he pressed the wound to stop bleeding. He is really scared right now. He is pressing his wound lying on the kitchen floor, whimpering and mumbled. " Please some one help me, please I'm so-rry so-rry plaese hel-p me,It's hurting a lot ple-ase" He really is helpless. He don't have slightest energy to stand up or even talk, but he beg for help him. Fuck! from whom? there is nothing in that house to help him and protect him from this cruel man. He cry, it's hurting him more. The moment he can't manage the pain he passed out. But to his luck his hand is pressing the wound. 

The monster father also passed out due to excess use of drugs. The both of them are passed out. The little boy who is craving for some rest is lying unconscious due to unbearable pain that his own father give. At least he think like that. What a unfortunate. He has one of the best dad in the world. but the fate? Fate can be worse sometimes. His whole beautiful childhood destroyed by a monster. The childhood that meant to be filled with love, care and happiness instead marred with hate, pain and fear. He is a little soul that broken in many ways. Still he fight for his life, without even a slightest hope. The fate made him fight for his broken and fearful life, but why? There is a answer for that why. There are 6 brothers that are  loving him unconditionally throughout years, trying to find him, still cry for him, still have a place on there heart. That bond made him fight without even slightest hope. He doesn't even know the existence of his lovely brothers, he doesn't remember them. The time and the pain he got erased all the beautiful memories of his little age. But what can he do? Nothing ,he just accept his fate. Without even knowing he actually fight for his brothers happiness. The fate is unbelievable. The pure love can do miracles. The patience is the factor needed.

Around midnight Mr. Yang walk up from his unconscious state. He check the time and take out his phone calling someone. Without even glancing at the boy who still lying unconscious on the kitchen floor, he hurriedly went out. He didn't care that the boy die or live, if he die he will throw him out, if not he is going to torture him again. The little boy's alarm that set for 5 am is start to ring indicating the time. But Kevin still is on the kitchen floor. The bleeding is stop by now. The blood came from the wound is on the floor. Due to the death silence in the house the sound of alarm clock make a effect on poor boy. He groaned loudly and open his eyes. He found himself soaked with own blood. He feel dizzy. "What the hell happen" He mumbled and try to sit. but instantly regret the idea because his stomach felt numb. He lift his black hoodie up. Seeing the wound he gasped. The wound is deep but not damage his crucial organs, if not he will dead on the spot. As for your knowledge this is not his first time and he is used to it. 

"I can't fucking sit here more, what if he again come, oh! I have to leave the house, he is going to hurt me, he doesn't kill me at once, just torture me, get up Kevin-aa you have go out, please try once and get up, you can do this" Kevin encourage himself and get up by the support of kitchen counter. He slowly went to the bathroom in the first floor. He don't have energy to climb the stairs right now. He went inside and take the first aid box in his hands. He take a handful of cotton and soaked that in saline water, start cleaning the wound after steadying himself, wincing at the stinging pain coming. Because of the pain he sit on the floor in the dimly lit bathroom. He know he have to do this if he want to live and his heart beat is rising in each second, he doesn't want another encounter with his father. He carefully lays out a thread to an unsterilized  needle. In his haste state he forget to sterilize needle. He took a deep breath, newly found confident is there on his face. The needle start to pierced the torn flesh, reminding the violent confrontation he endured earlier. With the trembling hand he stiches, occasionally missing the proper alignment and causing unnecessary pain. Due to the pain and anxious  some stitches he do is too tight resulting in additional discomfort. He is not a professional, he hardly stop his hand from trembling. As he continues beads of sweat form on his forehead. Despite the pain his hands move with resilience. He is slow, too slow but with each completed stitch his eyes glimmer with accomplishment. Finally, as he ties off the last stitch, Kevin leans back, breathing a sigh of relief. The bathroom bears witness to a quiet act of survival, a young soul stitching himself back together, one painful stitch at a time.

He lean there some more time. He slowly get up holding his blood soaked hoodie. His sweatpants is no less. His back, a canvas of bruised and purple-red marks, reveals the aftermath of belt whip wounds that are still bleeding. the dried blood on his back is screamed the pain he endured. He went to bathroom sink opened the tap and drink water to fill his stomach. He is craving for long time. He feel little refreshment. He slowly start to climb stairs, he really hate the idea because it hurts like hell, but he have to grab his clothes and leave the house soon. He somehow manage to climb the stairs and come to his old creepy room and get his other pair of black hoodie and grey pant. He throw his blood soaked clothes to the floor. He carefully wore his clothes not to hurt his already aching body. He didn't care to take a shower to his dirty body. The cleanliness is a luxury he can't afford now.

 He went to the bathroom to look at himself from the mirror to make him presentable. He went to his own old bathroom and he wash up his face. At the moment water touches his face he whimpered. The slap he got earlier gives him chills. His face is red and his eyes are appear small due to the impact, not only from father's slap but because of Jack's punches too. He bear the pain and wash his face and make his hair a bit and make himself presentable. He conceal most of his face by hood of the hoodie. He gulped down the painkillers with water. "fuck the hygiene" He descend down the stairs grab his bag and went out of the house. The moment he is little away from the haunting house a relief washes over him. 

                                                                                                             to be continue

I thought to make them together in two chapters, but I guess it will take some more chapters, but it'll be soon okay, just wait a little more. I know some things are beyond reality, but I want it this way, that's why I'm making it like this. Don't get offended. Please comment and vote lovlies. Your support is needed for me. Next few chapters are the main part of entire story ok! THANK YOU FOR VOTES AND COMMENTS IN PREVIOUS CHAPTER.

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