Caitlin's first beach trip and first words

596 13 2

Age: 7 months old

Tw: water, the ocean,

Requested: Yes, AndreaD603

Jay's pov
6:30 AM to 7:55am

We all agreed to get up around 6:30, 7:00 but having a 7 month old who still doesn't have a regular sleeping schedule means I've been up since 5:00 so I got up got dressed and got a beach bag packed before taking Catie downstairs and make her a bottle. I sit down on the couch and hold Cait close and feed her as I watch a football game. When she was done eating I play with her for a little while and I realized it was nearly 6:30 and I decided to make breakfast for everyone so I stand up and set Caitlin in her play pin and start making breakfast as she babbles. I love hearing her babbling. Even though I don't understand it, it's adorable. I finish breakfast and set it on the table for everyone to eat when they wake up as I'm getting the plates out, I feel a little hand pulling my hair and I look back to see Will holding Caitlin who's currently pulling my hair as everyone in the room laughed. Stella walked over and took Caitlin from Will and started playing with her. "What's this?" I hear Stella ask her. "Bababababa." I smile listening to Caitlin try to say ball as she reaches for it. Stella gives it to her, and Cait tries to throw it. Gabby grabbed it and gently tossed it to her. "She's so adorable, Jay." Stella says as I hear my favorite sound in the world, which is Caitlin's cute little giggle. "She really is. I love her so much." I say smiling. "How can you not? You're crazy if you don't love her." Kelly said as he walked over and picked her up and tossed her in the air, and she giggled more. After everyone was finished eating, we headed upstairs to get changed before heading to the beach. I put Caitlin in a pink flowered bathing suit with a pink hat to keep the sun off her face. I put sunscreen on her so she wouldn't get sunburnt, and then I double-checked to make sure I had everything I needed. I was making a mental checklist of what I need, I have beach toys, a change of clothes for me and Caitlin, towels, sunscreen, her blanket, paci, food, beach tent, baby carrier, beach chairs, beach shoes, floats, floaties, beach bag, her teether, and drinks and a few other things that we needed. "I've got everything, right?" I ask myself and nodded,"Yep I've got everything. Why am I talking to myself." I ask myself. Caitlin sequels to get my attention as she points at her bottle. "You want your bottle." I ask, and she nods, reaching for it. I fixed her a bottle and passed it to her, and she started drinking it. "Dadadadada." She babbles, and I smile, "Yeah, baby, dada. Can you say dada baby." "Dadadada." I smiled, "That's it, baby, you're so close. Da da."Da da da da." "Yeah baby, now put it together, dada." "Dada." "Yes yes baby that's it. Can you say it again, baby?" "Dada." "Yes baby, you said dada." "Dude, you ok." Will asked as he walked in and saw me smiling and had tears in my eyes. "Yeah, I'm ok baby, tell Bubba what you just said." "Dada." She squealed and smiled. "Did she just say dada." Will smiled. "Yeah, she did." "Hey traitor, you were supposed to say bubba first." Will said, taking her from me, She grabbed her bottle and started drinking it, laying her head on Will's shoulder, and closed her eyes. "I think someone's sleepy." Will said, rocking her. I smiled and grabbed the bags, and we walked down to the car. I sat the bags in the back of the car as Will buckled Caitlin up in her seat, and she was already asleep. We all got in our cars and started driving to the beach.

Time skip to the beach

When we got to the beach, I got Caitlin out and got our bags out. I walked down the beach, and we found a nice spot to hang out at. I held Caitlin close as I set out a towel on the ground and laid Caitlin down on the towel while I got everything out of the wagon so I could lay Cait down in it. I got everything out of the wagon and was about to put Cait down in the wagon, but she started to wake up and looked at me and smiled. She looked around and was in awe of everything. "Is it pretty, baby?" She squealed excitedly, bouncing up and down and trying to get down, "Hold on baby lets get set up first of." She huffed frustrated and was still trying to get down. I set her down in the wagon and kneeled in front of her. "Baby, we can go play in just a minute, ok?" She huffed again and sat down and pouted. I kissed her head and started helping set everything up. Once we finished, I picked Caitlin up and put sunscreen on her and fixed her hat, making sure she it would keep the sun off her face. I stood her up and held her hand, and walked towards the ocean. I grabbed a baby floatie and carried Cait into the ocean. I sat her in the float and had a tight grip on the float. She start squealing and splashing she's always loved water so I knew she'd love being in the ocean after a few minutes in the float and I took her out of the float and kept a tight grip on her and would lift her up when a wave would come which made her laugh. Everyone started laughing with her, "She's so cute." Stella said as she smiled at me. We played in the water for about half an hour before I took Caitlin back to shore and played in the sand with her we built a sand castle and played with the toys I brought her she was having so much fun running from the waves. She grabbed my hand and pulled me to the water, and started running through the water. I smiled and chased her. Everyone started walking towards the tent to eat lunch, but I could not get Cait to leave the water, so Will made us both a sandwich. "Thanks, man," I said as I sat beside Catie in the water. I fed her, and while she played with her toys in the water after she ate, I ate my sandwich. We payed for a little while longer when I started noticing that Catie was starting to get titled so I picked her up and started walking down the beach with Adam, Kevin, Matt, Kelly, Will, Owen, and Ethan while all the girls which included Halley, Erin, Kim, Makayla, Stella, Gabby, Leslie, April, and Nat all stayed back to tan we walked down the beach talking about different things Adam, Kev, Matt, and Ethan were all talking about the stuff they saw when working while Will, Kelly, and I talked about football. Cait eventually fell asleep. we walked for an hour before walking back. Once we got back I laid Cait down in the wagon to sleep and I went into the ocean with the guys while the girls continued to tan, when Caitlin eventually woke up about a half hour later we did the same thing as before we played in the water for a bit and played in the sand for a bit. We all were watching as Makayla and Owen chased each other around as Cait tried to keep up. They noticed her trying to chase them to they slowed down and let her catch up she tagged him, and they started chasing her. "They're doing good with her." Nat said, and I smiled, "Yeah they are she loves them." Nat smiled, "Owen loves her too. When you babysit him, he comes home and tells us all the cute things she does and asks if he can have a sibling." She says, and I laugh. we talk for a while about different things before eventually everyone starts getting hungry, so we pack up and load up the car. I buckled Cait up in her car seat, and we headed to the house we were staying in. When we got there, I gave Caitlin a bath, and we all got showers and got ready and then headed to a seafood restaurant. I set Caitlin in the high chair, and she played with her toys that I brought for her as we waited for our food. When they finally brought out our food I let Caitlin try crab legs for the first time and when she tried it she loved it and apparently I wasn't feeding her fast enough cause she sat there with her mouth open waiting for more it was adorable. After we all finished eating, we headed back to the beach and took a walk on it, enjoying the sunset. Caitlin eventually fell asleep in my arms, and she didn't wake up again until 5:30am the next morning.

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