A Day With Matt and Gabby

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Age: 2

TW: none

A/N In this story, Gabby and Matt are married.

Jay's pov
Time 9:30 A.M.

Intelligence just caught a big case, so I am going to see if Catie can go to the firehouse asking. She would be at her daycare right now if half of it didn't burn down because of the restaurant beside it that caught on fire. I pull out my phone and look for Matts number and call him. It takes him about 3 rings before he answers, "Hey, what's up."We just caught a big case, and I need someone to watch Catie." I say. "Yeah, of course. Just bring her over to the firehouse." He says. I breathe a sigh of relief and say, "Alright, thank you so much. I'm sorry I would take her to her daycare, but you know."It's no problem, really. You and Catie are family, and we take care of family." Thanks again, bye," Bye," he says and hangs up. I waited for Voight to stop debriefing us, and when they were fixing to leave, I say. "Hey, I'm going to take Catie over to 51, and I'll meet you at the scene." He nods, and they head out. I walk into the break room, and Catie runs up to me and hugs my legs. "Daddy," She says. I walk around, grabbing her bag and her bear. As I say, "You want to go hang out with your aunts and uncles at the firehouse."Yeah, yeah, go see Aunt Gabby and Uncle Matt," she says while bouncing up and down, and I finish grabbing all her stuff, throwing her bag over my shoulder. I smile at how cute she is and walk over and pick her up, and we walk out to the car. I opened the back drives side door and put Caitlin in her car seat and buckled her in, and sat her bag beside her. I then got in myself and buckled. I started the drive to the firehouse, which isn't far from the district. I smiled as I listened to Caitlin quietly singing a song while looking out the window. When we got there, I texted Matt telling him we're here. A few minutes later, as I was getting Catie out of her car seat, Matt and a few others came out to see us. I grabbed her bag and walked over, and Matt took her bag and I say "If I'm not back when you're shift is over just take her back to your place and I'll pick her up there if that's okay." Yeah, that's fine. I'll text you when we leave so you know I'm home," he said. I nodded and looked at Catie, who was playing with the chain on my badge. I called her name and said, "Catie, I've got to go to work, so you're going to stay with Matt and the other firefighters, ok?" She nodded and said, "Otay, Daddy, wove you." I love you too," I said and kissed her forehead. I was going to pass her to Matt, but Gabby quickly reached out for her, so I handed her to Gabby then walked back to the truck to get her car seat, and handed it to Matt. I said bye to everyone, then got in my car and drove to meet up with intelligence.

Matt's pov
Time skip 1:30 P.M.

We just finished lunch and are cleaning the dishes when we get called out to a scene. It's nothing major. A kid just got his head stuck in the railing of a staircase. We got him out, and he was fine. Catie was standing on the side of the firetruck with Cap, watching us help the kid, and I could catch certain things that he was saying to her. With what I heard him say, I quickly figured out he was explaining what we were doing. We quickly finished up, and Gabby and Sylvie took the boy and his mother to med to look at the small cut on the boys neck while the rest of us headed back to the firehouse. When we got back, I took Caitlin up to the sleeping quarters. I grabbed her blanket and her police bear out of her bag. I really need to get her a firefighter bear. I sit down on one of the beds with her in my arms. She has one arm holding onto my shirt, and her bear tucked safely in her arms. I start softly humming so she'll fall asleep for her nap. I give her about 30 minutes to fall asleep fully before I lay her down on the bed and cover her with her blanket, her bear still in her arms. I set an alarm on my phone for 30 min to go and check on her.

Time skip

Caitlin woke up an hour after I lay her down for a nap. When she woke up, we played some, and we had a few calls, but now it's time to go back home.

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