A Night Without Power

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A/n I know I said I was not going to post today, but my family Easter didn't go as late as I thought.

Age: 4

TW: Fire, the dark? Thunder and storms.

It had been storming all week, so Jay and Caitlin were enjoying a quiet night with the only noise being the rain, the movie, and the occasional clap of thunder. They were in the middle of watching Despicable Me when the power suddenly went out. Caitlin got startled and jumped and squealed, clutching onto Jay's arm tightly and burying her face in his shoulder. Jay placed a gentle but protective hand on the back of her hair and shushed her silent cries he explained that there was nothing to worry about as he ran his fingers through her hair. When she finally released his arm, he got up with her clutching his shirt he walked to their junk drawer and grabbed some candles and matches to light up the room.

Caitlin looked around with wide eyes as they explored the dark house together. Jay realized that this was an opportunity to teach Caitlin about survival skills, to be thankful for the things she has, and that she doesn't need electronics or a bunch of toys to have fun.

He grabbed Catie and they went to their hall closet where they keep extra blankets and pillows and a few other things as well as their giant stack of board games he picked her up so she could see all of their board game. After about 7 little arguments, Jay won, and after 3 little arguments, Catie thinks she won. She finally decided on Robot Turtles. As they were fixing to walk to the kitchen, Catie asked, "Can we have a sleepover in your room, Daddy?" "How about we have a sleepover in the living room huh" "Yaay" Jay sat Catie down and said "Go set the game up on the kitchen table please, while I go get our blankets, pillows, and your police bear. Ok." "Ok, Daddy. "Thank you, sweetie, "

She took the game and a flashlight that Jay was handing her and ran to the kitchen and started setting up the game. As Jay was getting their stuff for their sleepover, he couldn't help but laugh at the little argument he had 20 minutes prior with his very smart and very stubborn daughter. It went a little something like this. "What's this Daddy," "That's monopoly it is a grown-up game baby," "How," "You have to count money," I can count money," Oh really if you have 7 dollars and I give you 2 more dollars how many do you have." "10 dollars," she said with as much confidence as a 4-year-old could muster, and Jay said, "Close, but we are still not playing Monopoly."

They played robot turtles for a couple of minutes and then played a couple of other games Jay had a great idea to go down to the lobby and visit Catie's favorite person in the lobby and give him some water. They grabbed a light coat and put on their shoes, and walked through the apartment. They stopped at the lobby and talked to the desk ladies for a few minutes. Catie gave them some water, and they smiled at her sweetly. Then they walked through the front door and Catie ran straight to her favorite person in the building and reached up her arm to hand him a bottle of water he accepted it gratefully hugged her and said "Thank you Catie. Marcus Johnson has been their doorman for a few years now he is the son of the owner of this franchise of apartments and was a very kind man around the same age as Jay. Marcus gave Catie a little bear, and she smiled the brightest smile while Jay gave him an annoyed glare cause Catie had a thousand stuffed animals but then smiled when he saw how happy she was. As she played with the little bear, Jay and Marcus talked. As they were talking, Jay saw her yawn he walked to her and picked her up. They said goodnight to Marcus and walked back inside they said goodnight to the desk ladies.

When they got back to their apartment, Jay realized that it was no longer raining and the clouds had cleared. The stars were very bright after the storm, and Caitlin's favorite thing to do was look up at the stars. He loved it cause it reminded him of when he and Will were little, and they would sit outside and look at the stars with his mother. He had said ever since Catie was born that she looked like his mother and every time Caitlin smiles he sees the smile he saw every night before he closed his eyes, every time he got home from school, and every time he won a high school football game or got a good report card.

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