
1.8K 23 115

Age: 8

TW: gunshot, broken glass, blood, hospital

Jay's pov:
Time 6:30 pm

I was sitting on the couch watching a Bears game on the TV while Catie was in the kitchen coloring at the kitchen table and eating some fruit. I would glance over at her every so often out of habit. Thankfully, the kitchen and living room are connected. During the commercial break, I got up to get a glass of water. I am drinking water cause I am currently on call. I grab a glass out of the cabinet and fill it up with water out of the fridge and walked past the kitchen table and kissed Catie on the top of the head and asked "You okay," to which she replied "Yeah." As I start to walk back to the living room, I call out and say,"If you need me to come and get me alright." "Okay Daddy," She mumbled back. Just as I was about to sit back down, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I sit down and see it's Voight. I answer and say "Hey Sarge, what do we got," there is a slight pause before he answers and says, "There is an armed robbery at the bank on Michigan Avenue the suspects are heavily armed and refuse to surrender. They need more officers on the scene," "Alright, I'm on my way." I stand up and walk into my room I change into my uniform, open up my drawer and grab my badge then go to my closet and put in the combination to my gun safe that is at my eye level so Caity can't reach it. I walk back out to the living room and put on my shoe. Caitlin look at me confused and walks over in a soft tone, I say, I've got a case so get your shoes on alright," "Ok," she sat down and I help her put her shoes on then we head out the door and over to the elevator.

Caitlin's pov
Time 6:45

We walk towards the elevator, and I push the down button. We wait for the elevator to open when it does, and we wait for the people inside to get off and then walk in. It is a little crowded, so Dad grabs my shoulder and pulls me closer to him so I don't get in someone's way. A lady asks what floor we are going to, so Dad tells her we are going to the lobby. She pushes the button, and as soon as we start moving, I grab onto Dad's hands, which are still securely on my shoulders cause I hate elevators. We live on the twelfth floor, and we stopped four times on the way down, so it took a little longer than normal. As we are walking through the lobby, I ask Dad if I can say hi to Marcus before we leave. "Yes, but hurry, we got to go. I'm going to get the car and stay with Marcus," he said. "Ok," I said as I ran over and hugged him and said, "Hi Marcus," "Hi Catie, where are yall of to in such a hurry," He said. I quickly replied, "Dad's got to go to work."Oh, I see. I will see you later than bye," he said as he saw Dad's truck pull around. "Bye," I replied as I ran off to the truck. I hopped into my booster seat and buckled up, and Dad asked if I was ready. I said, "Yep." He drove to the scene, and I could see all my aunts in uncles from Intelligence. As soon as Dad parked, I unbuckled and was about to hop out when Dad stopped me by saying, "No, you're staying in the car alright." Alright," I say, a little sad I can't say hi to my dad's friends. I stand in the middle behind the console and Dad hands me my iPad and headphones when did he grab them I didn't see him grab them when we were leaving and it doesn't stay in the car. I was a little confused but accepted it gratefully and sat it in my seat. Dad leans over and kisses my cheek and says, "Love you." I give him a big hug and say, "Love you to be safe, please." I pull out of the hug, and he kisses my forehead and says, "Always am. Put your headphones on, please."Ok, Dad, go be my superhero." He makes sure he has everything then walks over to Papa Hank, and they start talking. I put on my headphones and start playing Kirby.

Jay's pov
Time 7:25 pm

I parked a block away, so Caitlin should be fine. I walk over to Voight and say, hey Sarge any update?" "They are 8 armed robbers inside, and they are refusing to come out. There are still 7 civilians inside. I need you to get the other sniper and go on the other side and be ready for anything. He says as we walk to the scene. I walk over and grab the sniper and walk toward my spot and wait. As I wait, I can feel the tension in the air rising. This is a dangerous situation, and the robbers are heavily armed. I check my equipment and make sure everything is in order. I take a deep breath and focus on the task at hand. I need to be prepared for anything and everything. As I wait, I think about Catie in the car. I always worry about her when I'm on a case. But I know she's safe in the car with her IPad. Finally, after what seems like hours, we get the signal to move in. I aim and wait for my command. As intelligence moves in, I hear movement and shouting. Two of the robbers make a run for it, and I take one down with the sniper as they aim at Kevin. As I was about to shoot the other one as he aimed at Vanessa, I saw a third robber headed in the direction of my truck. I quickly shot down the other robber and ran after the one that was getting away. My heart sank to my stomach as I heard gunshots ricocheting off the truck. I froze. I pick up my pace and run as fast as I can toward my truck. I get there and see the guy running away, but I don't care. I let him get away. I need to get to my little girl. There is glass shattered everywhere, and I see the blood I pray to God it's not Catie's. As I'm about to open the door, I see Voight, Antonio, Kevin, and Kim running over. I do see two patrol officers running after the suspect that is getting away.

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