A Bit About The Halsteads

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A/N Pretend the young girls in the pictures above are dirty blonde and that the German Shepherd is more black.

A/N This is a little different than what I normally do, but i want to try it. It's just like it sounds. I am writing a bit about how I see the Halsteads personality and how they live and stuff. If there is anything you want me to explain more, then let me know, and I will.


Jay as a dad
Jay is a single father to Caitlin. He can be very protective, but sometimes he's laid-back. He is strict sometimes, but he is also very understanding he tries to take the time to listen, but he doesn't always accomplish that and can completely ignore Caitlin when he's mad at her talking over her and stuff because he's human. He makes sure to show Caitlin that it's ok to make mistakes. Everyone does even him. He makes sure to show Caitlin he loves her in some way, whether it's listening to her when she's talking about something she saw online like a funny meme or a new Marvel movie that is coming out or sitting on the couch or on his bed with her watching a movie or playing video games. No matter how mad they are at each other, Jay makes sure to tell her that he loves her before the day ends, and he always tells her never go to bed mad and he stands by that if he's mad at her for something she did he will sit her down and they will talk about it.

What Jay likes:
Jay favorite thing to do is spend time with his daughter, but outside of that, he loves to go down to Molly's with intelligence, Will, and his friends. He likes to go to the gun range with intelligence and use the different guns. He likes to take Caitlin fishing and showing her things his parents used to do with him and Will. He loves to help Caitlin practice basketball and volleyball.

According to Caitlin:
According to Caitlin, Jay is an awesome cop but an even better dad. She went on a ride along with him once, and she said it was one of the best days of her life. She says that no matter what happens, she knows Jay loves her, and she loves him too. He makes time for her as much as he can.

As soon as Caitlin could walk and talk, everyone said she was a female version of Jay. She would follow Jay pretty much everywhere he went. She is his little shadow.

What she likes:
She loves playing games with her dad. Watching TV. She loves to color and draw.
She loves playing basketball and volleyball. She loves to hang out with her friends and her family. She loves to go to her uncle Wills house so he can teach her to play guitar. She loves playing with Legand and doing tricks with him.

According to Jay:
According to Jay, she is a very smart and happy kid. She is very caring and will always help someone. She loves helping him, and he's loves teaching her new things. When she was little, he would always involve her in what he was working on. If he was fixing something in the apartment, he would ask her to hand him something like a wrench or a screwdrivers or something teaching her the difference between a flathead and a phillips head and helpingheruse them. Then, when she turned 6, he started showing her how to do harder stuff, and by the time she was twelve, she could do all kinds of stuff without having to ask her dad how to do it. One of her favorite memories was when she was 14, and her and her dad remodeled her bedroom they had the best time laughing and covering each other with paint.

What they like to do together:
Catie likes to cuddle on the couch or in her dad's bed with him watching movies or playing video games. They like to take a day out of the week and do something, whether it's going to eat or going to the park and talking while walking. They like taking Legand on walks.

Caitie's full name and nicknames:

Full name: Caitlin Jade Halstead
Nicknames: Catie, Catie Jay, CJ, Ceej, or Cait

Jay's full name and nicknames:

Full name: Jayson Alexander Halstead

Caitlin's Nicknames for Jay: Dad, daddy, detective daddy, My Hero, my best friend, my protector, and more will come later on.

Abby McSweeney Caitlin's mom:

Jay and Abby met in the Rangers and were friends, but one night, they got married in Vegas after a fellow Rangers funeral. Their relationship was great about 4 months into being married they found out they were pregnant with Caitlin and were really excited. Caitlin was born, and all was well for a little while, but slowly and slowly, Jay and Abby drifted apart they started arguing over every little thing, and by Caitlin's first birthday Jay was sleeping in the guest bedroom. By the Catie was 2, Abby wanted nothing to do with Jay, so her and Jay decided to have split custody. When Catie turned 5, Jay ended up getting full custody, and Catie doesn't talk to Abby anymore.

A/N Should I make a whole oneshot of this and explain why Jay gets full custody.

R/M/N = Requested Mothers Name
You can decide what she is like. Or what happened to her.

A/N Comment your ideas for a mother. I would love to read your ideas. I might even choose one to write an entire oneshot around.


Legend is a full blooded German Shepherd he has a lot more Black than brown. Legends' nickname is Lee. He used to be a police dog. He is very energetic and very protective. He loves to play with Caitlin. He sleeps with Caitlin. He loves to mess with Jay he will always take his stuff and hide it, but when he wants to play fight or play tug-a-war, he goes to Jay whenever they sit on the couch to watch a movie Legand bring Jay his bear and wants him to fight.

A/N I may update this later. Should I do a Halstead's apartment version of this?...

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