Day on the boat

899 13 31

Age: 1 year old

TW: Water, boats,

A/N I am really sorry I haven't posted anything in a little while. I have been super busy, and I have had a little bit of writer's block. I am also working on something else that I can't tell you right now, but I promise as soon as it's done, I will tell you...

Jay's pov
Time 8:35 A.M.

Intelligence just solved a big case, so Hank gave us all the day off, so we decided to go to Lake Opeka. We borrowed Chief Boden's boat so we can just relax all day, and then we are going to go out to eat. I was sitting on the couch watching a kid show with Catie. I stood up and started to walk away, and not 2 seconds later, I heard the little pitter patter of my daughter's feet following close behind me and Legand behind her. I walk in and grab a bag, and start putting all the stuff she will need. I grabbed her paci, some diapers, and wipes. I grabbed a bathing suit along with a swim diaper, a hat, and some little sandals. I grabbed a change of clothes for dinner. I grabbed some toys that if they get wet, they won't ruin, so she has something to do when we're all just sitting on the boat and a child float. She got distracted playing with her toys, so I walked into my bathroom and grabbed the sunscreen from the medicine cabinet and towels off the rack. Then I started packing my stuff. I grabbed a change of clothes, and I went ahead and put on my swim trunks and a shirt. I grabbed a blanket out of the hall closet so Catie won't get cold. After getting everything we needed, I went into the kitchen to pack lunch. I grabbed a couple of pieces of bread, some ham and cheese. I put the bread in a Tupperware bowl and put the ham and cheese in a cooler along with bottles of water and some orange juice. Then, I sit the Tupperware bowl of bread in a lunch bag with some fruits and other snacks. Once I double-checked, I have everything, and it's all sat by the door. I walk into Catie's room and change her diaper, and put her in her bathing suit with her pants and shirt over it. When I was done changing her, I picked her up and walked to the front door. I sat down and grabbed the bag that had all our stuff in it and threw it on my back. I pick up Caitlin and the cooler and her little backpack full of toys. Then I walk down to the truck with Caitlin in one arm and the cooler and her little backpack in the other. I put the cooler in the truck bed so I can fill it with ice later, then buckle Caitlin in her car seat before getting in the truck and doing the same thing. I started the truck and drove to the gas station to get some gas for the boat and ice for the cooler. I got to the gas station and got and pulled up to the gas pump. I got out of the truck and pumped some gas into a gas can. After filling up the gas tank, I got Caitlin out of the truck and went inside to pay for the gas, the gas can, and some ice. I grabbed Caitlin and walked out to the ice cooler, got a bag of ice, and then walked back to the truck. After getting Caitlin buckled in, I put the ice in the cooler. I got back in the truck and drove towards Opeka Park.

20 minutes later

We arrived at the park and I could already see the boat. After driving 5 minutes, I finally found a parking spot. I park and get out. I walk to Caitlin's door and get her out. I sit Caitlin down on the ground, and she wraps one arm around my leg. I reach back into the truck to grab Caitlins toy bag. Caitlin sees someone and yells, " Bubba." I look up after getting the bag to see Will walking towards us. He says, "hi Caitie," then grabs the gas can and the cooler. I take the cooler from his hand and pick up Catie, and we walk towards the boat. We get on the boat, and I see intelligence, Kim, Adam, Mouse, Antonio, Kevin, and Erin people from Med Ethan, Conner, Noah, April, and Natalie people from 51 Kelly, Matt, Otis, Peter, Gallo, Shay Kidd, Brett, Gabby, and Cruz getting stuff on and off the boat. I walk onto the boat and sit Catie down and she runs to everyone and gives them hugs said hi to everyone I grabbed her, and started putting on sunscreen because I know that as soon as we stop she's not going to sit still long enough. After I finish putting on her sunscreen, I grab her life jacket and put it on her. We got everything on the boat, and we head out on the water.

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