First Steps

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Age: 8 months old

TW: none

Jay's pov
Time 4:30 A.M.

Caitlin has recently started sleeping through the night, and I am very thankful for that. I mean, I'm not complaining. I used to wake up at crazy hours when I was in the Rangers. But I would much rather wake up for Caitlin. She still gets up pretty early, but it helps me out because I can get us both ready and we can eat. Then we can play for a little while before I head to work. I woke up to Caitlin babbling through the baby monitor, so I got up and walked into her room with our 4 year old German shepherd Legand following me. Legand is a retired police dog he retired after being shot in the line of duty. My friend Aiden was in the K9 unit, and Legand was his dog, but when Legand was shot, it made his ability to do his job hard, so Aiden retired him. Where Aiden lives only allows one dog in his apartment, so he was going to have to sell him because he needed to train another police dog, so I decided to take him. When I walk into Catie's room, I see she is standing up using the railing of her crib, bouncing up and down. She's at the age where she is close to walking, but she isn't there yet. She can only pull herself up using things and walk, holding on to something. I pick her up out of her crib and carry her to the kitchen. I sit her down in her playpen, and Legand lays in font of it, watching her. I walk into the kitchen and start breakfast. Once I'm done, I go get Catie and sit her in her high chair. I walk into the pantry and grab the dog food and feed Legand and water him, then I wash my hands and feed Catie and eat some of my food as well. As I'm feeding her, Legand comes over and sits at my feet. When she's done eating, we go into the living room, and I put her in her walker so I can clean up. I start to clean up while Legand watches every move Caitlin makes.

Little time skip

I just got to the district, and I take Catie and Legand to the break room and set up some of Catie's toys while Legand goes and lays down on his bed. On days when I can't find a sitter, Voight lets me bring her to the district, and on occasion, Legand comes to. When I get them set up in the break room, I go and start on my paperwork.

Time skip
1 hour later

We haven't had any cases today. We've just been doing paperwork while Caitlin does all sorts of things. She sometimes plays, sometimes sits in my lap, and on occasion crawls around the floor saying HI to everyone while Legand follows close behind and when she gets to close to the steps he gets in front of her and lightly pushes her in the other direction. She is currently back in my lap while I do paperwork when Voight comes in and sticks a picture on the board as he says, "We've got a case. Robbery on the South Side. Ruzek, Atwater, Burgess, and Rojas, I need you questioning neighbors. Halstead, Upton, you talk to the homeowners. Mouse, you stay here and we'll send you any footage we find." I walk over to Mouse and hand him Caitlin. He grabs her, and she starts grabbing things from his desk.

Mouse's pov
Time skip

After the team left, I took Caitlin in the break room and started playing with her. I took her police bear and tickled her with it while she was giggling. She played while I worked a little. They called a few minutes ago saying they were on their way back. As soon as they got their Jay, made a b-line for Catie. It's hard to think that not long ago, I had to drag him away from party after party and keep him from killing himself because his Ptsd was so bad, and sitting through all the times he said he didn't want kids and now he's has a smart, sweet, and lovey little girl. Who's going to be a handful when she gets older with how smart she is and the stubbornness she inherits from Jay. I don't know whether to feel sorry for him or be thankful that he gets to experience how he is to us. You can just see the love radiating off of him when he looks at Catie. I'm so proud of him he's overcome so much.

Jay's pov

I ran up the stairs and into the break room to see Caitlin. I peaked through the window before going in and saw her sitting on the ground with Legand beside her. She looked up when she saw me and squealed, and I started walking towards her until I realized she had grabbed onto Legand's fur and pulled herself up. I've got to the point where anytime she stands up, I grab my phone and start recording because she's so close to walking. I quickly got everyones attention and they were all crowded around me. Hailey took my phone and kept recording for me so I could get to her if she fell. When she finally got to her feet, she let go of Legand and swayed a little till she got her balance. She stood there for a moment, so I stepped forward a bit and crouched down and said, "Come on, baby. It's ok, you can do it. I'm right here." She looked at me and smiled as big as she could and reached out and took a step. Everybody was silently cheering her on while I said, "Yay, that's it just a little closer you got it" and with that she took a few more steps till she grabbed my finger and walked the rest of the way till she hugged me. I stood up. I was so proud of her, and so was everyone else. We gave everyone hugs and cleaned up her toys and then went home ate and went to bed.

A couple of weeks later

It has been a few weeks since Catie walked for the first time, and now she walks as much as she can, all while Legand watches her every move and makes sure she doesn't get hurt. At least I know I can turn my back for a second without her running away because he won't let her. She gets within so many feet of me, and he's steering her back.

A/N: This is Legand.

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A/N: I can't believe I am over halfway to 1000 reads that's crazy

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A/N: I can't believe I am over halfway to 1000 reads that's crazy. I just want to say thanks to all the people who have read it. If you have any requests, let me know, and I will do them. Thank you again.

A/n I didn't know when I posted this yesterday that it was Jesse Lee Soffer's birthday, so I just wanted to come on here and say happy day late birthday and maybe remind someone who also forgot.

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