Sickness that can't be faked

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Age: 13

TW: The flu, hospital, passing out, throwing up

Request: lanser_writting

Caitlin's Pov
3:32 to 6:30 AM

I woke up and looked at my phone and saw that it was 3:32 AM. I knew exactly why I was up this early. I was sweating but cold at the same time, my throat hurt, I was coughing, exhausted, and my whole body hurt from my head to my toes which I was hurting yesterday but I thought it was just from me being basically tackled by a girl at my basketball game Saturday but apparently not. I was lying in my bed debating on going to get my dad but I'm 13 I know how to give myself medicine so I climbed out of bed to go get some and as soon as my feet hit the floor I ran to the bathroom and threw up my dad had worked overtime this week so I knew he was sound asleep and wouldn't wake up unless there was a big noise like someone breaking in or something or I woke him up by continuesly shaking him. He normally comes running when I throw up no matter what time it is, but I knew he was tired. I threw up 2 more times before flushing the toilet, washing my face, and brushing my teeth. I then grabbed some medicine and took it before going back to bed, falling asleep, and waking up every hour. I finally fell asleep at around 4:40ish, and before I knew it, I was woke up by my annoying alarm, and by alarm I mean my dad shaking me slightly trying to wake me up. "Catie, wake up. Come on, you're going to be late for school." I groaned and rolled over, "Dad, I don't feel good." "Catie come on, get up."But I don't feel good." He pulled the blanket off of me. "Come on, we're not doing this again. You're not missing your midterms." He said, feeling my forehead. "You don't have a fever. You're fine. So get up and get dressed." He said as he walked out as I pulled the blanket back over me. "If I come back into your room again and you're not up, you're grounded." He yelled halfway down the hall. I slowly got out of bed and went to take a shower. After I got out of the shower, I put on my clothes and got my stuff together. I fixed my hair into a bun, not in the mood to do anything else with it before brushing my teeth. Once I've finished, I grab my bag and walk out of my room towards the kitchen. I walk into the kitchen and sit down at the table waiting on my dad to finish breakfast. All I wanted to do was crawl back in bed and sleep, but I knew my dad wouldn't let me, so I laid my head down on the table and closed my eyes. I sat there for a minute before I heard a plate being sat in front of me and felt a gentle tap on my shoulder. I looked up at my dad and smiled slightly, to which he smiled back. "I know you're stressed about your exam today, but faking sick is not going to get you out of it. You're my daughter. I know you. I did the same thing." Dad said. "But dad, I'm not faking. "I said with a slight annoyed whine. "Catie, don't start, eat so we can go." Dad said, and I sighed and reluctantly started eating. Dad sat across from me as he ate. I ate about half my breakfast before I felt sick. I stopped eating, and dad looked at me. "I'm done." I say as I stood up and cleared my plate off into the trash and put it in the dishwasher. "Alright, go get your stuff and meet me at the door." Dad said as he finished his foods and copied my earlier actions with his empty plate. I go upstairs and get my backpack and put my shoes on. I walk back down the hall and meet dad in the foyer by the door. He takes my hand, and we walk to the elevators. Once we get to the elevator, we wait for it. "What are you doing today?" I ask dad. "We've finished up the case, so now we've got to sort out the paperwork boring old paperwork." He said, smiling at me. "I thought you got out of school when you become an adult." I say in a joking tone. Dad smiled and shook his head, "Yeah, you're supposed to, but I guess you don't in my line of work." He said, and I coughed. "You can drop the act you're not getting out of school." He said as we got in the elevator and went down to the lobby

Time skip midterm
Caitlin's pov

I was sitting at my desk working on my midterm when I started feeling sick. My teacher looked up from his desk to check on us to see if anyone was cheating, so I took the opportunity and raised my hand. He stood up and quietly walked over and whispered, "What is it, Miss Halstead?" "May I go to the bathroom, please? I feel sick." "Yes, you may take a hall pass and go on." I nodded and quietly got up, grabbing the hall pass and walking out of the classroom. As soon as I'm out of the room, I sprint to the bathroom and barely get the stall door locked before kneeling in front of the toilet and throwing up. I threw up three or four more times before leaning against the wall and pulling out my phone I try calling dad knowing there's a slim chance I'll reach him cause he had texted me earlier saying they had gotten a case. When he didn't answer, I tried calling papa Hank, and he picked up on the third ring, "Voight." He answered with his normal deep, slightly annoyed tone of voice. "Papa Hank." I whine feeling sick again, and I can tell by what he said next that his whole demeanor changed. "Catie, what's wrong, sweetheart?" He asked, worry replacing the annoyance. "Don't feel good." I replied. "Ok, what's wrong?" "I threw up, and I feel dizzy. Can you come get me dad won't answer, so I'm guessing y'all are on a case." "Yeah, I'll call your principal and tell them I'm coming to get you. Go to the nurses office, ok?" Ok." I say and as I slowly stand up and hold my head feeling dizzy I slowly walked out of the bathroom and head towards the nurses offices holding onto the wall but before I get to the door to her office I lean against the wall holding my chest. I slide down the wall and put my head in my hands. I sit there for a few minutes, and the next thing I know, I'm waking up to Hank gently shaking me. "Cait, hey, come on, wake up, please sweetie, you're ok." "Hmm?" I hum, slowly opening my eyes. "Hey sweetie, you ok?" "I'm dizzy." "When was the last time you ate or drank anything sweetheart?" "I had breakfast this morning." "Did you eat anything at lunch?" "Yeah but I couldn't keep it down." "Ok we're going to go see Will, ok?" "Don't need to. I'm ok." "Wasn't an option, sorry, Cait. Alright, come on." He says as he picks me up and carries me out to the car and sits me in the seat before getting in his seat and driving towards med. I curl up in the seat, exhausted and close my eyes, holding my chest. Hank drives as fast as he can to the hospital, noticing I was struggling to breathe.

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