CH. 22 Storks will fly

Start from the beginning

"Megan." He says softly making her put her head into his chest and continue crying.

Zack walks in the room with his combat gloves and tells him that the perimeter is secure. Y/N nods as he holds his crying best friend.

"What's wrong with her?" Zack mouths to him.

"I don't know." Y/N mouths his reply.

Zack walks into the bathroom as Y/N looks down at her. He rubs her back as she trembles in his hold.

"Y/N." Zack says.

Y/N turns and sees Zack with wide eyes. Holding up a pregnancy test. Y/N's eyes widen as he freezes a little. Megan's movement snaps him back as he turns to her.

"I'm pregnant." Megan tells him as she finally looks him in the eyes.

"I know you don't want to have a baby with me.. I know I ruined us so i'll get rid of it if you want to." Megan tells him as Y/N looks at her.

He doesn't see the confident beautiful badass that is his best friend right now. He sees the beautiful woman who's lost in her thoughts who's his best friend. Y/N walks to her and brings her back to the bed to sit down.

"Megan." Y/N says as he looks at her.

"Do you want to keep the baby?" He asks her making her look at him confused.

"What?" She asks.

"Do you want to keep the baby?" Y/N asks again as he grabs her hands.

Megan looks at him before looking down at her stomach. She thinks about Y/N's sister and how that felt to interact with her. She always wanted to have a kid she just never knew if it would ever happen.

"Y/N we don't have to keep it. This will slow you down while you're in the middle of your prime.. Besides Scarlett might not want you if you have a baby." Megan tells him trying to not get her hopes up.

"Having a baby with you won't slow me down, and Scarlett is in a relationship. I don't care what she thinks about this because this has nothing to do with her.. Just me and you." Y/N tells her.

"You're my best friend, now tell me.. Do you want to keep the baby?" Y/N asks her.

".. Yes." Megan replies with tears and Y/N pulls her to his lap.

"Then we'll have the baby." He tells her as he hugs her.

Megan looks surprised at his reaction and gets unsettled a little.

"How are you so cool about this? You're not frightened?" Megan asks him.

"Oh i'm scared shitless." He replies making them both laugh.

"But I had a talk and I just don't want to over complicate it more than it is." Y/N tells her as he wipes her tears away.

"We love each other, might not be in a relationship way but it's still love." Y/N says as she looks at him.

"Are you sure?" Megan asks him.

"Yes, as long as we communicate we'll be fine." Y/N tells her.

"Thank you." Megan tells him as she lays her head on his chest.

"We're gonna be ok." Y/N says reassuring the person who's had his back since they met.

Zack looks at his brother and smiles at him. Seeing him grow up during this whole ride has been the best for him.

"Go lay down." Y/N tells Megan as she nods and lays down in his bed.

Only Reputations (Male reader x Scarlett Johansson x Elizabeth Olsen )Where stories live. Discover now