After about 15 minutes of driving, she stopped infront of a store.

"Wait here" she said and got out of the car.

I can see her from the side mirror as she walked into the store and after some minutes she was out. With some bag in her hand. She got inside the car and handed me an ice pack.

"Place this on your lips" she said.

Oh! I completely forgot I have a cut from the slap that dude gave me. I took it from her and placed it on my lips. Speaking of them, what will happen to them now? where did Freen take them? I want to know but I don't have the courage to ask. I am still nervous around her especially since she isn't even looking at me. She's all focused on her driving.

It was dead silent in the car. Freen's knuckles are red. It must be painful. I hope she would let me treat the bruises when we get to our destination. I really want to do that. I can't place this ice on it because she's driving. I was worriedly looking at her throughout our journey but she never looked at me for once till we got to her home.

We got out of the car to the elevator. Freen didn't say a word to me as we got into her apartment. She's still mad at me. I feel so sad about that. I don't like seeing her in this mood. But I can understand why she is like this.

"Freen your knuckles are bruised...." I tried to say when my eyes landed on her knuckles but..

"I am fine" she cut me off and walked straight to the guestroom.

I let out a sigh and sat on the sofa. It's going to be difficult getting her to talk to me. How do I get her to stop being angry with me? I closed my eyes while inhaling the smell of the house. I have missed it so much. I have missed our moments together in this apartment. All the memories I made with her here are kicking in. I want us back to how we used to be. I want Freen back but I don't know what to do over my dad's threats.

After some minutes she came out of the room.

"The room is ready. You can go in now" she said and started walking to her bedroom.

I hate it so much that she's like this towards me. I want her attention. I know I hurt her by breaking up with her after promising not to ever let her go but that was because I chose to protect her and her family. I chose her safety over my own feelings.

"Freen..." I called weakly just when she was about getting into her room and she stopped.

She turned to me to know why I stopped her. I have so much to say to her but I couldn't voice them out. She raised her eyebrows indicating I should talk.

"Thank you.." was the only thing that came out of my mouth as I tried so much to hold back my tears.

She ignored me as always. I walked into the room and locked the door behind me. My heart is heavy. I couldn't keep in my tears so I let them all out. I buried my face in the pillow and cried my soul out. I can't take this anymore. I can't take her ignoring me. I can't stand her getting angry with me. All because of my dad. All because I am scared of our lives.

Seeing Freen today made me realize how sad my life has been without her. She saved me today even though she is still angry with me. For the past month, I haven't known peace and happiness. Just being around Freen makes me so happy and I am not ready to push my happiness away ever again.

"I want her back. I want my Freen back and I will do whatever it takes to have her back."


I got into my room with a heavy heart. Seeing those guys do that to Becky got me so affected. I loved that dress on her so much but they ruined it already. I wanted to capture everything as evidence that was why I didn't interfere on time. I can't explain how angry I was seeing them hurt her. I still care so much about Becky and I still love her. I know I am not supposed to, not after what she did to my heart.

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