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Christmas, four years later.


Glancing behind me, I made sure no one had followed before whispering, "I finally did it. While we were with Vidi's family last week, I told her dad I want to marry her, and asked for his blessing." I chuckled. "You know, I chickened out when we celebrated Diwali.

"Her dad's tough, so I was freaking out." I smiled, remembering my relief at his answer. "He said yes and promised not to tell her mom because she'd be too excited to keep it a secret."

The wind blew through the trees making the icy branches creak. I stomped my boots in the snow and pulled the scarf higher on my neck. "You're wondering what I was waiting for, right? Four years is a long time, but we're still young. Besides, it took me a while to process everything after I lost you and Mom, and Lilla. It messed me up for a while. Vidisha's been understanding and supportive through it all, but I didn't want to drag her down with my crap. I wanted more for her.

"Everything's great now, and bad days are rare. Business is booming. If she says yes, my life will be perfect." Sniffing, I wiped my eyes. Damn frigid weather made them water.

"Owen and Becks are expecting their third baby. Can you believe it? They're going to run out of places to put them soon." I snickered and rubbed my hands together, warming them. "When it gets nice outside, we'll add on to the cabin. Becks has big plans, and Owen's glad to do anything she wants."

Faint footsteps shuffled through the snow toward me, and I turned in time to catch little Lilla as she threw herself at me, yelling, "Uncle Bash!"

I tossed her in the air, and she giggled while I hugged her. "It's too cold out here. What are you doing?"

She laid her head on my shoulder and twisted her icy fingers into my scarf. "Mommy said you might need a hug, and Daddy said you needed to get your ass inside. The food is ready."

I couldn't stop my grin from spreading. "Lilla! Are you supposed to say that?"

"Oops!" Her bright green stare focused on me. "Don't tattle, okay? Aunt Vidi brought cookies, and I want some."

"She makes the best cookies, so I won't tell if you promise not to say it anymore."

"I promise." She gave me her most serious face before smashing her pink nose into my cheek for warmth and asking, "Can I pick magic flowers before we go?"

"Yep, but hurry. We don't want to keep them waiting." I set her on the ground, and she ran through the flowers, kicking up snow and picking the most oversized blooms.

When she finished, she stood in front of me waving a bouquet in each fist. "My feet are frozen. Carry me?"

"Sure, baby girl, if I can have one of those for Aunt Vidi?"

She beamed. "The red one. They're her favorite."

I kissed her forehead as I picked her up. "Come on, before your daddy starves." Smiling, I backpedaled as I watched the spot under the treehouse. "Merry Christmas, Dad, love you. Tell Mom I love her, too."

Lilla said, "Merry Christmas!" and blew a kiss over my shoulder as we walked away.

The sun dipped below the treeline as we trailed back, and Lilla studied the trees and the porch with all the white twinkle lights glowing and squealed. "Christmas is pretty."

"I think so too." I lowered her tiny snow boots to the bottom step. "Go in and ask Aunt Vidi to come here, please. I have something for her."

"Oh, yeah!" She held out the red flower. "Here! You don't have to say I picked it since you won't tattle about ass."

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