The Kiss

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"Ugh, I need to sort this room out."Cassidy says to her husband as she stands in the doorway of the nursery.

"I know. Want me to call Sydney?"he asks, holding her from behind.

"No, I'll call her. Don't forget you have to take Zoey for a cleaning."

"She hates Dr Hartman. I think the sound of the drills in the other rooms freak her out."

Cassidy nods, leaning back against Ryan's chest.

"Yes but then you get to spend the rest of the day with your daughter. I bet she'll love spending time with you today, if you don't have surgeries."

"Yeah, we're also going to pick Buttons up today. The owner said that he's ready."

R: The due date is slowly approaching and we're mentally prepared but not physically prepared.

C: We are. We haven't set up the room, we don't have a hospital bag or the car seat installed, it's not looking good for team Spencer at the moment.

R: Exactly. And I'm the doctor, I should be prepared but it feels like there's more things can go wrong with it this time around.

C: Maybe because they'll be entirely relying on us. With Zoey, she could speak and tell us what she likes and doesn't. This time we have to grow them from the ground up. 

R: Our babies aren't plants. 

C: You know what I meant.

"What are you doing?"Cassidy asks Charlotte."Where's Nate?"

"My mom's looking after him while I take my medical board exam."

"And you're here because...."

"I just needed some quiet time before I go in."

"Okay. I made red velvet blondies, so you can one before you leave."

"How are you doing? Have you started nesting yet?"

"No. But....we have started talking nursery and we're going baby shopping in a few days."Cassidy says, piping the meringue onto the baking sheets.

She was making cheesecakes for tonight since they're having dinner at her Dad and Gloria's home.

"You guys haven't done that already? You, Mr and Mrs Always Prepared haven't done any of that yet?"

Cassidy just rolls her eyes and passes the baked treat and coffee over to her best friend. She makes herself some tea before sitting on the barstool next to her best friend.

"No. But I think that's mainly because we were so busy. I've got that new campaign that I'm working on and Ryan's been busy with Jeremiah."

"Have you thought about your baby shower?"

"Cam is all over it."Cassidy replies, putting the blondies onto the cake stand and putting the cover over it.  

"Have you guys at least worked out a birth plan? Are you going to have a C-section, a vaginal birth or a natural birth? What about skin-to-skin? And who are you going to have with you in the room?"

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