En Garde

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"Sorry Dad. I have a meeting with Nike and American Express today, could you give Manny my apologies."

"Okay honey. You're forgiven if you get me more of those Cubans you got for my birthday last year."

"Wow, extortion. Really?"

"Well, I wouldn't call it that. I'm just telling you what I'd like."

"Anyway, are you enjoying having a champion under your roof again?"

"Its nice. It'll go great with your trophies when he wins. Would be even better if you were there, as a good luck charm."

"From what Gloria tells me, he doesn't need it. Who would've thought that Manny would be great at fencing?"

"You're telling me. I mean, I thought it would go one of two ways but I was pleasantly surprised."

"Okay Dad. I need to go. Love you, bye."

"Love you. Bye."

Cassidy ends the call and walks out of her office. She loved how invested her dad had gotten in Manny's fencing. He was always the biggest supporter at her tennis games, swim and track meets.

"Good morning boss.  So, Darren from Nike moved the meeting to Tuesday at 3:30. Luckily, Harold from American Express is still on for 1."

"Perfect. Could you let Ryan know that we are hosting my family for supper tonight."

"I will. Coffee?"

"Could you make it a tea instead? Thank you."Cassidy says, slipping her glasses on as she went through the SM report for Harold. Many would think that its a slam dunk when it comes to landing sponsors but there aren't many businesses that want to link themselves to sports teams.

"Hey, Cassidy. Neill wants your thoughts on these events."Bernie says, putting the files on her desk."And then Chris asks that you please check the marketing budget and get back to him about it."

"Will do. God, its a fucking Saturday-I should be home or supporting my brother at his fencing competition."

"Welcome to adulthood. Its fun, ain't it."Bernie says, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Yep. Super fun."

Bernie laughs as she walks out. Mike comes back in with the tea before he leaves. Cassidy's morning is filled with paperwork and just getting everything sorted for the lunch meeting with Harold.

"Okay, Mike. I'm off. I don't think I'll come back after so you can just leave after you're done."

"Sure thing."

"And, the files Neill wants is on my desk-blue folder. The orange is the budgets for Chris."

Mike nods and gets up to take it. He knew Cassidy didn't like people in her office after she left, so he rather kept it at his desk.

"Hey, no surgeries today?"Emmett asks, joining Ryan-who stood at the nurses station. He was filling in some of his patient files, enjoying the silence of the dermatology floor.

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