The Old Wagon (Season 2)

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Cassidy sat in a yoga pose, focusing on her breathing. Zoey sat next to her, trying to copy her mother. Ryan leans against the doorframe watching them. Pride swells within him as he looks at her belly with Zoey watching her and doing the same with her little

"You okay Mommy?"Zoey asks when Cassidy groans and holds her belly.

"Yes honey. The babies are just kicking, want to feel?"


Zoey stood and went to feel the spot where the kicks were concentrated. She giggles and claps her hands.

"I felt it! That's hard."

"Yes. I think we might have football players in there."

"We can only hope."Ryan says with a wink.

As Cassidy and Zoey went up to change out of their workout clothes, Ryan opens the door for Drew and Amelia.

"Uncle Ryan!"Rhett yells, jumping up into his arms.

"Hey buddy. How you doing?"

"I'm okay. Sissy just cries a lot."he whispers.

Ryan smiles, nodding as he gives Amelia a side hug. Drew walks in and smiles at him with their baby girl in her sling.

"How's Willa?"

"She's good. Where's Zoey and Cassie?"Amelia asks, putting Willa's baby bag on the entrance table.

"They're just changing, they were doing yoga."he explains as he puts Rhett down.

"So, Drew's on baby duty?"Ryan whispers to his sister-in-law.

"Yep."she says.

Ryan laughs, turning around to see his brother sitting on the sofa, bouncing his daughter in his lap.

"You ready for that?"she asks him."You've got two coming."

"Yeah. Zoey's even started soothing her doll so that she can help with the babies when they get here."

"Are you guys ever going to tell us the gender?"

"I think not."he tells her.


Amelia rolls her eyes and sighs.

"You're no fun. We told you guys that we were having a girl."

"Yeah, only because Drew yelled it out at the top of his lungs like he did with Rhett."

Then Cassidy and Zoey came down the stairs. They were all going to Knott's Berry Farm before the kids go back to school, well Zoe would be going back to school while Rhett would be going to pre-K.

"Wow, look at you."Amelia says, hugging Cassidy before she hugs Zoey.

"Amelia says, hugging Cassidy before she hugs Zoey

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"Thank you."

"Auntie Cassie!"Rhett yells, running up to his aunt.

He stops and hugs Zoey before going on his tip toe and kissing Cassidy's belly.

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