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A road underneath the foot, green stone paved ground, bound to live and die, Huang Quan.

Looking upward at a river, the deep green water of the river symbolizes this life, Wang Chuan.

A bridge in the river, fate as the step, all the dust and fame forgotten, Naihe.

At the end is a stone, and upon reflection of one's rebirth, the dust will have been broken, Sansheng Stone.

Huangquan Road, Wang Chuan River, Naihe Bridge, Sansheng Stone.

Destiny has been reversed, and reincarnation has been extended.

~Chapter 1~

Look how atmospheric, transparent and thick these lines are! Unfortunately, it was set to the ditty of Jiangnan's Wu Nong soft language and named "Why bother".

These lines floated on Wang Chuan River all year round. When A Yin first saw it, she was really shocked for a few days. But when she saw the hanging ghosts floating in Wang Chuan spitting out their long tongues and humming this soft tune of Jiangnan, after the lightning struck like a poke in the heart, she no longer held the slightest illusion of the Nether World's proud realm of songs.

After A Yin's death, she felt from the bottom of her heart that the most unfortunate thing was this one.

The lord of the Nether World, Ao Ge, created this. in order to impose a hundred years of meditation on the beings of the three realms who perished on the Naihe Bridge.

When it was finally finished, Ao Ge invited the demons and immortals from the three realms to congratulate him and freed the Nether World.

After the words came out, the three realms became widely busy for a while. Everyone said that the Nether King was a heroic and compassionate man, and not just a few girls who were praising the immortal and demon lords and busy fleeing to hell. Instead, everyone wanted to see the most enigmatic and kind lord of the Nether World—the Nether King. 

Unfortunately, the banquet line for a few days will be followed by a small hall filled with hanging ghosts that will be dressed in red and green and will be singing Jiangnan ditty for a few days. Upon the end of the feast, the ghost messengers removed all of the immortal and demon lords who had attended, irrespective of their degree of skills, from the Nether World.

This is the most ridiculous thing to count since the True God Bai Jue offered his body as a sacrifice to the Tribulation Chaos, the God Realm is closed, and the Eight Desolations that have been at peace for hundreds of years.

Of course, everyone in heaven and on earth has been influenced by the amazing appearance of the Nether King, Ao Ge, and as a result, the number of stunning immortals and demons circling the underworld has dramatically increased.

The heart pierced by diaphragm finally felt relief after Ah Yin heard about the tragic experience of the celestial demon from which the little devil's mouth was broken.

This is a bit far to go, let's go back to the Naihe Bridge on the Wang Chuan. No earthly legend is actually so horrifying and mysterious. A typical stone bridge is the Naihe Bridge, which is located at the end of Huang Quan Road. The fact that this bridge links the life and death cycles is the only thing that makes it unique. 

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