Trinity of Entanglement Six

Start from the beginning

“Mouth-watering, gorgeous and robust with those firm muscles and witty attitude. Yeah, I get ya.”

“So who were you shacked up with? The pheromones are potent. I could smell them before I even knocked on the door. Was it Xillon? OH MY GODDESS! It was, wasn’t it? Did you give up your vCard?! Please, please tell me you hit that?!”

“Uh…No… and yes. It was Xillon. He’s absolutely amazing, Darcy. It was like fireworks and all. I had that with Zane last night, but it wasn’t as exhilarating. It’s hard to put into words. Is having my wolf now why everything feels more exhilarating?”

Her eyes go wide and she shakes her head. “What?!”

“Zane was my first kiss. I have told no one, and he went down on me. It was quite nice. That was last night before my first shift. Xillon and I just… I guess you would call it sex with clothes on… Dry humping..? Well he had his clothes on. I was naked from the waist down because he ripped my sweats off. It was magical, though.”

“Oh, shit! Really! You haven’t so much as kissed a guy until now. Words of advice, girl. Don’t go down the Zane path. I didn’t give him my virginity…well…in a way…I gave up my ass to him. So I guess I gave him a piece of virginity. He’s an asshole afterwards. Don’t go there. I don’t think it would matter if you were his best friend. He thinks with his dick, not his brain.”

“Yeah. I understand where you’re coming from. He’s trying to sweet talk me into dating and being only his. Being his girlfriend and crap. I just don’t see that coming from him. I won’t fuck you, he said. It’s sad that I can’t trust him.”

“Don’t listen to a damn word that comes out of the guy’s mouth. Be smart. Xillon, would be a good match for you. I’ve got to get back downstairs. There’s a lot of cleaning up that needs to be done. Eat and relax. Don’t worry about the food tray until the morning.”

“Thank you, Darcy.”

We hug each other goodbye, and I escort her to my door. My mouth waters as I turn back to my food. A doe leg from the doe I hunted lays wait, along with some vegetables and other side dishes. It’s been skinned and only warmed to perfection, so it seems as if it’s a fresh kill. My heart sinks that Larissa can’t join me. Suppose I’ll need to chill with the voices and let her be free. I can do that for her.

A knock sounds on the door as I’m chowing down on the leg. None caring about the mess I’m most likely making. “It’s unlocked, come in.”

Jarek walks through the door. Not who I was expecting, but hey, I love my brother. He would go to the ends of the earth for me. “What’s up, big brother of mine?”

“Just wanted to give you a hug and congratulate you on your first shift and hunt, is all. I haven’t spoken with you since everything went all crazy. How are you feeling? Do you need anything?”

“Honestly, I’m freaking exhausted out of my mind. And I have to stay medicated on muscle relaxers so I don’t hear people’s thoughts. It hasn’t been the most amazing experience. But it’s been great as well. I don’t know what to say, actually.”

“Mom told me what was going on. I’m a momma’s boy. You know how it is. She tells me everything. With dad in tow, of course. You have dad and I wrapped around your finger, so… I’m just saying, you can come to me with anything. Depending on what it is, dad as well.”

He sniffs the air and grunts. Apparently, Xillon shut the window before exiting my room earlier.

“Sorry about that… um…”

Ending my scrumptious meal, I race over to open the window to allow fresh air to come in. Then plant myself back down in my seat and dig back into my meal.

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