FYI, Niall's A Sexy Ass Mofo

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Ellie's POV

Millie had finally picked up the effort to go to the toilet but yet she was still complaining. I slid down the stairs and skipped into the living room to find Millie fully dressed.

"When did you get dressed?" I asked her, frowning.

"Sssssssssshhhhh. I'm busy." She shushed me.

"Your always busy. You dont look busy though. What are you doing this time thats making you so 'busy' you cant even answer a simple question?" I frowned.

"Thats nice." She muttered.

"Millie, are you even paying attention to me?" I asked.

"Ha-huh." She nodded. I wasnt convinced.

"I have a dick." I told her, jokingly.

"Nice." Millie nodded. Her eyes were fixed on the phone infront of her.

Hmm, well that didnt work. "One Direction are moving to Canada." I told her. Millie's ears pricked up. "And they are never coming back to England. And they are spliting up. And they admitted they were gay. And Niall's died and Harry is bald. And Zayn has dementure. And Louis is actually a hologram." I lied, gritting my teeth. Her eyes widened and she smiled up at me. A grin formed on a face and she jumped up on the sofa and began jumping up and down.

"YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!" She screamed, happily. She stopped jumping for a second. "But what about Liam?" She asked.

"He's. He's. He's." I stuttered. "He's in a coma!" I lied to her. She stopped and the grin turned into a frown. A small tear ran down her face.

"Poor Liam." She cried softly. I raised my eyebrows. A few more tears streamed down her face. I watched her silently.

"I lied." I told her, finally.

"What?" She asked, lifting her head up.

"Liam isnt in a coma. And Louis isnt a hologram. And Harry still has his hair. And Zayn is his fine sexy self. And Niall isnt dead. And they arent splitting up. And they arent gay. And they aren't moving to Canada. There staying in England. " I told her.

"Oh." She mumbled. "Well thats a disappointment i suppose." She sighed.

"Yehh." I muttered.

"Why did you tell me all of that if it wasnt true?" Millie questioned me.

"Because i was trying to get your attention. Duhh." I told her. As if she hadnt already figured that bit out.

"Oh." She said again. I nodded. Millie looked back at her phone. "CRAP!" She suddenly shouted.

"What?" I asked, worried.

"The train leaves in 10 minutes." She told me. She pulled herself up and rushed into the hallway. She threw my coat at me and pulled on her own. She ran up the stairs and i heard her feet thudding along the landing. I heard her cursing and a lot more banging. When she finally reappeared again, she was holding lots of bags and her face was bright red.

"Whu-uttt?" I asked, confused.

"London. We're going to London. To meet Hannah." She told me. My eyes widened. Oh crap. I forgot. I grabbed some bags off Millie and pulled her front door open. She followed behind me, quickly shutting her front door and locking it. She threw her keys and phones into her bag and followed me. I unlocked my beautiful car and Millie threw the bags on the backseat. I jumped in the car at the drivers said and Millie yanked the passenger side door open. She hopped in and slammed the door shut.

"Ouch." I muttered.

"What?" She asked.

"Try not to hurt my car. Its not even my car. Which is an even bigger reason why you shouldnt hurt it." I told her.

"Oh well. Now shut up and drive!" She practically shouted at me. We glanced at each other.

"SHUT UP AND DRIVE, DRIVE, DRIVE, DRIVE...." We both sang together as i turned the key. The engine roared into life. And put the car into reverse and spun the wheel, reversing off of Millies driveway. I fixed my gaze onto the road as i sped off, desperate to get to London. I glanced at the time and saw how early it was. But even though it was still dark, the roads were busy as hell.

"Now take a left here. Nope, nope. Wrong street. Its this street. Yep. Right and now turn left again. Keep on going. Now you turn r- Ooo, look Ellie. Its your house." Millie told me, giving me directions. I tilted my head and glanced at my house. The car was still on the drive, meaning my dad hadnt left for work. Millie stretched her arms and reached out towards the music button. She pressed it gently and turned the music up louder.

"Millie, we are gonna end up waking up the whole town. Turn it down." I told her.

"Oh well." She said, shrugging it off. I Would came on the radio and i began bobbing up and down in my seat in an attempt to dance. Millie looked at my weirdly but i just ignored her and turned the music up louder.

"Lately i've found myself thinking, been dreaming about you a lot, that up in my head i'm your boyfriend, but thats one thing you've already got." I practically shouted.

"He drives to school every morning, while i walk alone in the rain. He'd kill me without any warning, if he took a look in my braaaaaaain." Millie joined in.

"WOULD HE SAY HE'S IN L-O-V-E? Well if it was me, then i would, i would. Would he hold you when your feeling low? Baby, you should know that i would, i would." Me and Millie chorused. We burst out laughing. I came to a stop at the traffic lights and danced a little more in my seat. The light turned green so i put my foot on the pedal and put the car into gear, speeding off onto the motorway. I was about to start singing again when Thirft Shop began blaring out of the top of the radio.

"Thanks. Just ruin my moment. I was gonna impress you with my singing." I huffed, jokingly.

"You already have impressed me with your singing. I dont need to hear anymore of your singing." She told me. She unzipped her bag and began fumbling around in it, looking for her phone. She finally found it and took it out. She unlocked it and pressed the phone firmly to her ear. I kept glancing at her every few seconds.

"Hello?" She asked. "Oh hey, Hannah... Yeh, we're on our way now. Me and Ellie. Ha-huh. Yep. We'll be there soon. We're nearly at the train station. Yep. Sure. Whatever." She spoke into the phone. I took a left turn carried on straight up, joining onto a main road. I indicated to go right and quickly drove the car into the train station car park. I turned the engine off and jumped out of the car. I opened the back door and pulled out all our bags, placing them on the floor next to me. I slammed the door shut and peered through the car window to see Millie still sat there on her phone. I knocked on the window and Millie glanced at me. She nodded and jumped out of the car, slamming the door shut. She ran over to me and grabbed some of the bags. I shut the door. I grabbed the rest of the bags and hurried after her.

"Millie..." I began.

"Shushhh. I'm on the phone." She hissed at me. I pulled a weird face at her. "Liam? Liam Payne? And Zayn? As in Mr Fitty? Omg. I cannot wait to get to your house. I hope this train gets here faster. What? Niall is there to? Eurgh. I hope this train travels very slowly so by the time i get to yours he's gone."

Niall's at Hannah's house!? Omfg. I'm going all fangirly. I did a weird dance and shook myself off before straightening my clothes and joining Millie's side. I smiled at the thought of seeing Niall again.

"Right, See ya Hannah. Buh-bye." Millie said, ending the call.

"Who was that?" I asked. I dont even know why i asked. I already knew the answer.

"Hannah." She told me.

"Omg. Niall is at Hannah's house? GASP!" I said. I think i over-exaggerated a bit.

"Yes, yes. The irish peasant is at her house. Big deal." Millie sighed.

"FYI," I began, clicking my fingers in a 'Z' motion, "Niall is a sexy ass mofo."

I Hated You But I Ended Up Dating You (1D Fanfiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن