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I was sleep on the other side of the fire or at least trying to. It was cold and me and Izuku were still in a fight.

I sighed and sat up. I looked over at Izuku as he slept. I hated fighting with him it was rare but the fights were always so bad. I moved closer to the fire trying to get warm. That's when I realized that there wasn't any sounds in the woods. No animals not even a cricket but there was one sound a clicking sound.

I threw a stick at Izuku and woke him up. He jumped awake and i hushed him. The clicking sound got closer and a mutated one slowly came out the darkness it's dead eyes on Izuku.

I slowly got up and made a ball of snow in my hands. I threw at its face getting its attention. I then hesitated.

"Ah crap." I said before I turned around and ran. Not knowing Izuku was following.

I ran through the snowy woods. I ran so far that I came up on a town. I ran into a big store and immediately went to hide. I ran into a aisle and tried to be as quick as possible since I could also hear other dead ones in here with me.

I was always quiet and I knew how to get around where they couldn't hear me. Izuku on the other hand wasn't very quiet.

He had followed me and he was making so much noise trying to find me in the store. I snuck around until I found him. I grabbed his arm and dragged him into a small office. The dead now at the door.

"Are you crazy?" I whispered to him as I sat on the desk.

"Am I crazy? Are you crazy?" He said clearly annoyed with me.

"I fought those things before I know how to handle them. Now we're stuck in here." I said crossing my arms.

"At least we're warm enough now." He said as he sat in the office chair.

"Oh yes warm enough when there's food, blankets, and probably weapons out there." I said frustrated with him as well.

"Oh just shut up you're the one who got us in this in the first PLACE!" Izuku yelled in my face as I breathed heavily.

I just looked at him angrily as the dead slammed on the door. That's when we heard people talking in the store. They got closer and started killing the dead at the door. I quickly checked the desk and found a gun.

"Y/n there's no need they might be friendly." Izuku said and I glared at him as I walked to the door and hid on the wall right beside it.

"That's too bad. I'm not." I said as I made sure there were bullets in the gun.

They started breaking down the door and when it was down I was immediately hit in the face. My nose cracked as my head hit the wall behind me. I grabbed their arm and pulled but they did the same and twisted my wrist making me drop the gun. They grabbed my hair and slammed my face into the desk.

"Enji? Rumi?" Izuku said almost happily as I sat on the floor my face bloody and my vision blurred.

"This one is a fighter." A woman's voice said from behind me.

"Izuku? I'm not surprised you survived this long." A older man's voice said to Izuku. My vision getting worse and darker. I swallowed the pain and knocked everything off the desk until I got a sharp letter opener.

"Some here but um....your son he didn't." Izuku said in a sad tone. I got up and attacked the woman with short white hair but she was quick. She grabbed my arm twisted it and slammed me on the floor. She sat on me and held my arm to my back my hand between my shoulder blades.

"That's a shame." The older man said to Izuku. I was pissed.

How can they have such a calm conversation.

"I'm sorry about her she's on edge." Izuku said as he looked down at me with a disappointed expression.

That's when I blacked out.

(Sorry short.)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12 ⏰

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The days after ( Zombie Apocalypse AU) (Izuku x reader)Where stories live. Discover now