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Bakugo's POV

We have been looking for Y/n for a month and I just couldn't believe we found her. I was pulling the makeshift sled we made as fast as I could.

"B..bakugo." Mina whimpered from behind me. I looked back at her.

"I don't think she's breathing." She cried and I dropped the rope and looked at Y/n. Her eyes were closed and I went to feel a heart beat. I didn't feel one and I panicked.

I threw the blankets off her and dragged her off the sled. I moved her poncho and folded my hands and started CPR.

"No fucking way you're dying like this." I growled and opened her mouth to breathe in it. I then started the chest compressions again and I was getting a little frustrated which made me do it harder. Mina sat next to her crying.

"Come on. come on." I growled. I knew I was fighting not only for her life but also about a 10 minute time limit before she turned. I felt a crack underneath my hands that meant I broke her rib.

"Come on you have people waiting for you." I growled and nodded to Mina.

"Do her breath while I do this." I told her and she nodded doing so.

We both froze when she moved. We waited a few seconds.

"Check her eyes." I told Mina and she pried open her eyes and they were her normal e/c. We both sighed happy she wasn't dead. She grabbed Mina's hand weakly.

"Stop it Emily." She whispered and I checked her heart beat. It was slow but it was there. I picked her up and put her back on the sled. She whimpered in pain at the action because of her broken rib.

"We have to get her back right now." I growled grabbing the rope and running through the snow the best I could.

"Make sure she's at least looks alive." I said and she didn't say anything as we ran.

We weren't to far away from where we are all staying. We turned into the woods a few miles away from town. We made it through the woods to a small log cabin we had found a while ago. My military vehicle parked outside.

We got to the door and we both picked her up. I kicked the door and Kaminari opened the door. We rushed in with her unconscious body in our arms.

"Move." I growled at Ochaco who was sitting in front the fire place that warmed up the whole house. She did and we placed her in front of the fireplace.

"Iida!" Mina cried for him and he came running.

"Oh my god you found her?" He asked as he sat next to me.

"Yeah we did and she is on her last breath so help her." I growled as we got her poncho off. He started to look her over.

"Looks like the worst stage of hypothermia and exposure." He said as he took her gloves off.

"Frostbite and a suicide attempt. Do you know of any other Injuries?" He asked and i nodded.

"Yeah I broke her rib doing CPR." I said and he looked at me.

"CPR she died?" He asked and i nodded.

"Ok I need some alcohol and a sharp clean knife along with metal wire. I'm going to do some surgery and I need a needle and thread." He said and I immediately got up and went to get everything.

I brought him everything and stepped out to give him some space to work. Now was the part I was not looking forward to.

I walked through the dining room and went to one of the spare bedrooms. I walked in and closed the door. I looked at Midoriya who was sleeping with Emily on his chest. I walked over and crouched down and shook him awake. He hummed and woke up.

"Hey we need to talk." I said and he slowly put Emily on the bed and sat up.

"What is it? Let me guess you didn't find any food." He said and I shook my head.

"No we found some but we also found someone that I'm sure you wanna see." I said and his eyes widened and he immediately got up. I stood and grabbed his wrist.

"Let me finish. You can't go see her now." I said and he got pissed at me.

"Why the hell not!" He growled and I sighed.

"Iida is doing some kind of surgery and he needs to be left alone. She's in the worst parts of hypothermia. When we found her she was delusional couldn't speak properly and she was seeing things to the point she cut her own wrist." I said and he sat down.

"We got to her in time or at least that's what we thought. She died on the way here." I said and he gasped standing but I held his shoulders.

"But I got her back with CPR and she should be fine after Iida is done." I said and he started crying.

"This is all my fault. I left her alone and I didn't look hard enough." He cried and I shook my head.

"I'm sure she'll understand. You had Emily to take care of we couldn't be out in the open for long with her in the cold or the dead. She'll understand." I said and rubbed his shoulder.

"I can't believe this. I know she might understand but I still feel horrible. I knew she could take care of her self that's why I wasn't too worried." He cried and I shook my head.

"From the looks of it she got over run. No one can survive Mother Nature Deku you know that. Even you went through hell trying to keep Emily alive. You're face is still healing from it." I said and he nodded.

Back at the community the cannibals came and attacked us. He fought against three guys alone in the house getting a slash from his jawline through his left cheek and over the brim of his nose. Not to mention the big burn on his leg that he got from accidentally setting the house on fire.

He refused to let anyone help him that's until Ochaco and Kirishima got sick. That's when we found this place.

At least everyone is ok now.

The days after ( Zombie Apocalypse AU) (Izuku x reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن