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I got dressed and got my crossbow. Midoriya walked up to me.

"Are you sure you're ok?" He asked and I nodded.

"Yes I'm sure." I said and he sighed.

"Ok well my mom made this for you out of one of the blankets." He said and showed me a poncho.

"Oh wow

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"Oh wow." I said and he nodded and put it over my head.

"There now you'll be nice and warm." He said and I looked at him my hair a mess. He smiled at me and fixed my hair.

"Sorry I'm just concerned about you." He said and I waved my hands.

"I know it's fine. I really like this." I said and he smiled at me as he fixed my hair more. I looked up to him from the poncho. Our eyes met as he pushed hair behind my ears. He looked at me softly as his thumbs ran over my cheeks. He stepped forward closer to me and my heart sped up. The door then opened and he stepped away.

"You ready?......I'm ready?.......lets go." He said obviously nervous about something. He grabbed my hand and dragged me out.

We walked up to Ochaco's apartment and he knocked. She opened the door wearing a big pink jacket.

"Good lord." I said and Midoriya tried not to laugh.

"Where did you get that jacket?" He asked her and she crossed her arms.

"It was in my closet here." She said and I sighed.

"Alright let's go." I said and we all started walking down the hall.

When outside Midoriya just got done explaining how things are going to work.

"What do you mean everyone has a role in this group." She growled as we walked down the road in the snow.

"I mean exactly what I said. We all have a job to do." He said and she turned to me.

"What's her job?" She growled at me. I glared at her from underneath my hood.

"Mine and Y/n's jobs are to scout out for danger and safe places and food. One of her jobs are also to hunt us food." He said and I just nodded along.

"Kacchan's and Todoroki's are to help protect us but I mean that's everyone's job. Kiri and Denki know how to fix cars and the electricity." He said and she scoffed.

"What's your moms role?" She growled and I tilted my head.

"Well um." He hesitated.

"Exactly if she doesn't have a job then why do I have to have one. She can't be the only one that's useless." She scoffed and I stopped grabbing her arm. I made her turn to me.

"Hell no. Mrs.Midoriya has a job and it's the most important job in the world now." I growled at her and she scoffed again.

"And what is that?" She growled and I gripped her arm.

"She keeps everyone mentally stable. She provides positive stability and comfort. She also makes amazing clothes apparently. So don't you ever question her place in our group." I growled at her and she just looked at me.

"You act like you've known her for years. I'm the one that knows her." She said and I scoffed.

"If you did then you wouldn't be saying that." I growled and she smirked evilly.

"If everyone has a job then what was Emily's." She said and I angrily looked at her. That's when Midoriya stepped in between us.

"Ok ok. Calm down the both of you." He growled and I shook my head.

"No you know what I'm just gonna go off on my own. I can't do this not with her. You have fun." I said and turned away from them. Midoriya grabbed my arm.

"No Y/n come on." He said and I turned to him.

"I'm just going on a walk. I'll be back." I said and he nodded letting me go.

I walked away and I heard him sigh.

"Damn it Ochakco!" He yelled at her as I walked off.

I was walking for a while when I passed by a building that had writing on the window.

Can't do this anymore.
Dead inside don't open.

I stood there looking at the dead guy banging on the glass door. The growling and groaning echoing in my head. My sister flashed in my head as it growled. I growled to myself and dropped my crossbow and my backpack and I took the poncho off. I got my machete and stormed to the door.

I kicked the door open and swung the machete into its head. It's blood splattering everywhere and on me. I kicked it away from me and pulled the machete out it's head.

There was more in the store. I huffed and got a better grip on the machete and went deeper in the dark store

I walked out covered in black rotten blood. I sighed as I dropped the machete and moved my stuff to the side walk. I laid the poncho down so I didn't sit in the snow.

I sat down with a huff and I got a pack of cigarettes I found inside along with a lighter. I got one out and just dropped the pack in the snow. I lit it and took a deep breath. I breathed it out and put my hands on my forehead.

Tears fell from my eyes as I looked down. My elbows on my knees. My hands shook as I cried. I looked up and wiped my tears away.

"Y/n? You smoke?" Midoriya asked as he walked up to me.

"Hm oh no it's just a bad habit I have when I'm stressed or upset." I said flicking it away in the snow. I heard him sigh as he put his jacket around my shoulders.

"Oh no you don't have to." He cut me off.

"I don't want you sick again Y/n." He said as he sat down next to me.

"Where's Ochaco?" I asked and he sighed.

"I sent her back. We cleared a building she learned her lesson. I had to save her." He said and I just nodded.

"Y/n why are you crying?" He asked and I shook my head.

"Is it what she said?" He asked and I nodded glancing at him.

"Emily had the same job as your mom but you know for me and your mom it was more personal. I did my best but it wasn't enough." I said looking at the snow road in front of me.

"You know before I got sick and I led them away from you I actually prayed. I prayed that if I wasn't meant for this life for god to kill me off and let me see her again. But obviously he helped instead." I said shaking my head sadly. He sighed next to me.

"Y/n." He whispered and slipped his warm hand into mine.

"You survived because you're meant to be here with us. You survived a horrible sickness because you're supposed to be here and have new friends and family." He said squeezing my hand. I giggled and looked at him.

"I survived that sickness because of you. If you didn't go looking I'd be frozen to a roof." I said looking at him softly.

"I know I didn't do it for your sister but if you go missing I'll look for you in any weather. Until I have made up for letting her slip out your hands." He said kissing my hand. I smiled and leaned against his shoulder.

"I promise I'll make up for it somehow." He whispered and kissed my head softly.

The days after ( Zombie Apocalypse AU) (Izuku x reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu