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Izuku was home for lunch the next day. I was trying to make him something to eat before he had to go back to whatever job he was helping with. He walked up behind me and caged me between the counter and him. He pressed his body against mine as he kissed my neck softly.

"Izuku I'm trying to make you lunch." I said and he only hummed before nibbling on my neck.

"But I'm so attracted to you right now." He said and I paused confused. I looked down at myself. Emily was up all night so I was up all night and I was a complete mess.

"I look disgusting." I said knowing that my hair was a complete mess and I probably smelled like baby powder.

"So I don't care. I'm just so happy that you're making this place home and settling down." He whispered in my ear and I shrugged.

"It's what you want and what Emily needs." I said before stopping what I was doing as I sighed deeply.

"I'm trying to make sure Emily gets a normal life safe and sound." I said and he wrapped his arms around me and snuggled into my neck.

"I think you're doing a great job." He said and I shook my head.

"No I'm not. I could be doing so much better then I am." I said sadly and he turned me around to face him.

"Where's this coming from?" He asked and I shrugged trying to keep my tears in.

"I just feel like I'm not doing enough. She got hurt yesterday and I wasn't there." I cried and he cupped my cheeks.

"Y/n kids get hurt it's natural. Now the boy's mothers actions were a different story but kids get hurt when they try to play with each other it's no one's fault. I think the mother could have gotten involved tho." He said before shaking his head and getting back on topic.

"Anyway I think you are just having a bad reaction from what happened to your little sister." He said before running his hands in my hair.

"You're doing a good job no need to be so insecure about it. The important thing is she never got hurt outside the walls. That's more important." He said and i nodded. He smiled before leaning down and kissed me softly. My hands ran up his chest and around his neck. He hummed wrapping his arms around me as he pulled me against him.

The kiss got more passionate as he tilted his head to kiss me deeply. He licked my bottom lip asking permission. I let his tongue slip into my mouth and tangle gently with mine. He pulled away as my teeth sunk into his bottom lip. I giggled before letting go.

He smirked at me before burying his face into my neck. He bit down on the crook of my neck as he pressed his body against mine. We both sighed frustrated when there was a knock on our front door.

Izuku let go and went to the door as I went back to what I was doing.

"Hello can I help you?" Izuku asked as he leaned on the door.

"I um. I'm here on my wife's behalf. Yui my wife um she got into some conflict with yours. I'm Yosetsu by the way." The man said rather nervously.

"What about it?" Izuku growled and the man just shook his head.

"Oh no I'm not here to start anything I just wanted to talk." He said and Izuku let him in. The guy had black hair with a white and blue headband.

"I seriously don't want any trouble I just want to know what happened." He said and Izuku nodded gesturing to the counter across from me. They sat down and I gave Izuku a sandwich. That was made of fresh vegetables and meats that we were extremely happy to get.

"She says that you just attacked her but I know she can be dramatic." He said and Izuku nodded giving a small smile when I gave him lunch.

"Yeah your son actually was hurting our niece. Who is almost one year old. Your wife didn't step in at all." Izuku explained and the man sighed.

"Man really. I do apologize he has been having some behavioral issues we have been trying our best to control him. That's no excuse of course I also know my wife can be a real up tight bitch." The man explained.

"But I'm going to be honest you are scary man." He said and Izuku looked at him confused.

"I'm scary?" Izuku said confused.

"Yeah the whole scarre across your face and there's a look in your eye thats unsettling." The guy said and Izuku just looked at me then back to him.

"Anyway I didn't want any trouble. Thank you for telling me. I'll get out of your hair." He said before getting up and leaving. We watched him leave before looking at each other.

"I'm scary?" He said and I smirked at him.

"No you're sexy." I said and he rolled his eyes amused as he took a bite of the sandwich I made him. I got done making me one and I looked up and he was looking at me a little sadly as Emily started crying from just down the hallway from the kitchen. I went to go get her but Izuku quickly put his hands up.

"No no it's my turn. I'll go get her and you eat and go to sleep after." He said as he quickly got up and went to go get her. I smiled to myself happy that he noticed how tired I was and took over Emily's care immediately.

I looked down at the ring on my finger. I honestly was touched. The world had to end for me to finally find someone who actually cared about my wellbeing. Izuku walked back in the room with Emily.

"Hey Izuku." I said and he smiled as he came back over to sit down.

"Yes?" He asked.

"I love you." I said not looking at him.

"I love you too."

The days after ( Zombie Apocalypse AU) (Izuku x reader)Where stories live. Discover now