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We both jumped awake when our bedroom door slammed open.

"Y/n I need your medieval ways now!" Bakugo yelled before leaving the room. I was half asleep and didn't understand what was exactly happening. We both got up and realized how cold it was.

We quickly realized that the power was out and another blizzard was passing through. We quickly got dressed and ran downstairs.

"What is it? Is it Kirishima again?" I asked getting to the living room.

"Hey I take care of my stub." Kirishima said defensively.

"Too much care if you ask me. The lotion is not necessary." Bakugo said patting Kirishima's back.

"Yes it is." Kirishima pouted. I looked around and say the man we captured on the floor getting blood on my favorite carpet.

"My carpet." I said and Bakugo spoke up.

"Oh yeah his arm is infected and bleeding heavily. The infirmary was covered with snow she we can't get in. You're the next best thing." He said and I scoffed.

"Why not let him die add him to or pets." I asked and he crossed his arms.

"He has information that we need." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever. Izuku can you get my machete. Kirishima check on Emily for me and Bakugo get the scissors from kitchen." I demanded and they all did as they were told.

I was getting severe déjà vu. We sat on the floor as I took care of the man's infected arm. He had long passed out and wasn't fighting anymore.

I sat there quietly cutting the infection away as the boys kept Emily entertained. Somehow it was calming to me. Winds outside and relaxing by the fire. No one was talking the only one making noise was Emily.

"I still think we should have killed him." I said pointing at the unconscious man.

"That would be best." Bakugo said in agreement while he was sitting on the couch. Izuku shook his head as he played with Emily.

"No we need information before we do anything."  Izuku said and both me and Bakugo rolled our eyes.

I continued cutting away the infection.

Eventually I was done and wrapped the stub up. Everyone was asleep by now especially Emily.


The storm stopped and we moved the man into a different house and locked him up.

I was walking around checking on people making sure that everyone was safe and had enough food.

I was walking by the gate when I noticed something or rather someone. It was Dabi lurking around the gate. I hesitated a moment but the second he ran off I ran after him.

I heard someone yell after me as I climbed over the gate.

I ran after Dabi at full speed with a machete in my hand. I didn't know exactly what I was doing. I was just filling with rage and I wanted this man dead. A followed him for a while until I noticed that we were on a big frozen river.

I stop when he did. He stood there confidently on the ice and i immediately knew it was a trap and I fell for it.

I looked down at the ice as it cracked underneath my weight. I heard my name get yelled and I turned around to see that Izuku had chased after me.

Dabi threw a knife at my feet and made the ice crack more. I looked up at Izuku before the ice broke underneath my feet and i fell into the river.

The water was freezing and there was dead at that bottom trying to grab me as I was washed away in the current.

Izuku POV

I watched Y/n fall into the water and I didn't hesitate to go in after her.

Thanks to the current I caught up to her but we were both suffocating.

I grabbed her poncho as I noticed the current getting stronger and faster. The ice eventually stopped but we went over a waterfall just to get stuck underneath more ice.

I got my knife and tried to stab it in the ice but i couldn't.

Eventually the water slowed down and I was able to punch the ice and break through. I broke my hand in the process. But I still pulled myself and Y/n out the icy waters. I dragged her to the shore and start CPR making her throw up the water that was in her lungs.

I examined her body to make sure she wasn't bleeding or bitten. I sighed when I found no physical injuries. I hugged her to my chest as she coughed.

"I'm sorry." Y/n cried as we sat on the shore wet and cold.

"Shh it's ok be quiet please we don't know where we are." I said as I looked around to see if anyone or anything around.

"I should have known better I'm sorry." Y/n cried in my arms. I just hushed her as I tried to think quickly. We could die out here like this.

A car a car we need a car. I thought and looked around. I picked Y/n up and immediately went into the wood hoping to find a road.

We were fortunate to find a abandoned camp that had a van. I sat Y/n in the passenger seat and got into the driver's seat. I then started to try and hotwire the car. I was so grateful when the van started. I immediately turned the heat on. I then got into the back seat.

"Y/n come here we need to get warm and fast." I said and she crawled in the backseat with me. I helped get her wet clothes off and mine. We cuddled halfway naked in the backseat for warmth. The window's foggy because of the heater.

"I'm sorry." Y/n said as she shivered in my arms.

"It's fine. We just need to get warm and get back home. We'll be fine." I said as I held her tightly against me.

(Sorry I got sick and then other stuff came up. October will be a busy month for me so there might not be another post for a while I'm sorry.)

The days after ( Zombie Apocalypse AU) (Izuku x reader)Where stories live. Discover now