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I cried the whole way back to the farm.

I held her body in my arms the whole way. The others tried talking to me and comfort me but I refused to talk to them.

When back I found a place underneath a tree and went to the barn and got a shovel.

I went back to the tree. Midoriya stood waiting for me. I scoffed as I began to dig.

"Please let me help you." He said and I shook my head no.

"I don't need your help. I never did." I growled and he got closer to me.

"Please Y/n." He cried and I growled.

"No! Go cry to your whore!" I yelled and he snatched the shovel from me.

"No you go sit down for a minute!" He yelled at me but calmed down a bit.

"Let me get it started ok. Go get some water." He said softly and I just nodded.

I walked away to the house and I sat on the porch watching him from afar. I heard the door to the house open and I looked over to see his mother. I smiled sadly at her as she walked over with a cup in hand.

"Tea?" She asked and I just nodded and she gave me the cup and sat in the rocking chair next to me. I took a sip of it as she rubbed my shoulder.

"I'm so sorry dear. She was a sweet girl." She said and I nodded as my lip quivered.

"How do you think it happened?" She asked and I sighed.

"She got bit. A whole chunk of flesh was missing out her arm." I sniffed and she rubbed my shoulder more.

"Oh my." She said and I sighed shakily.

"From the looks of it tho she was surviving pretty good. Until she got to that store." I said as more tears fell.

I sat there for a while letting her comfort me as I cried some more. When I was done with my tea I went back to Midoriya.

I stood there for a second and watched him before I stepped in.

"Ok it's my turn." I whispered and he sighed and got out the whole. He handed the shovel over and I got down in it and started digging myself. I didn't notice him leave.

When the whole was done I slowly dragged her body into it. When she was in I got my backpack and got her stuffed toy out. I leaned down and put it in her arms. I smiled sadly and blew her a kiss before I crawled out and started to put dirt over her.

When I was done I sat on the ground and made a makeshift cross out of rope and sticks. I put it at the top of her grave with her shoe tied to it.

When I was done with everything I was a complete mess. Covered in dirt, sweat, tears, and blood. I didn't care at all and sat on the ground in front of the grave my knees up to my chest.

I sat there for hours even long after the sun went down. I heard footsteps behind me.

"Y/n it's dark you need to come inside." Midoriya whispered and I shook my head no. He sighed and sat next to me.

"Y/n I really am sorry about all of this." He said and I sighed.

" I don't want your apology. Besides I'm going to be gone by morning so no need to kiss my ass." I growled and he looked at me shocked.

"You can't just go off on your own. It's dangerous." He said and I sighed.

"I can survive on my own. Now that Emily is gone I don't need to worry about her or anyone else." I said and he scoffed.

"I can't believe you're just going to leave." He growled and I looked at him.

"Why are you so pissed about that?" I asked and scoffed.

"Because we could really use your help." He said and I sighed and got up.

"You have plenty of people in your group to help you out with whatever it is you need help with." I growled and he got up grabbing my hand.

"Don't leave." He growled at me and I looked back.

"I made a promise to you." He said and I ripped my hand out his.

"You didn't live up to that promise." I growled at him and he sighed.

"I know I didn't with that one but I promised to protect you. Let me try and keep that promise." He said and I sighed. I looked him up and down.

"Fine I'll stay. But you are going to have to stay away from me for a while." I said and he huffed putting his hands in his pockets.

"Ok I can do that." He said and I nodded walking away passing the house and going to the cabin on the other side of the farm.

I got to the cabin and walked in. Kiri was making a fire when I walked in. He smiled sadly at me.

"I'm sorry Y/n." He whispered walking up to me. I smiled sadly and he hugged me.

"I got you some food." He said pulling away and pointing. I smiled and rubbed his back.

"Thanks but I'm not hungry." I said.

"Y/n you gotta eat something. Not all of it just a little bit and I won't fight you about it." He said and I nodded. He smiled and sat me down in a chair. He opened up a can of beans and started to heat them over the fire with a v shaped stick he found outside.

I smiled at him. He was trying so hard to make me feel better. He got a cup and poured some of it into it with spoon and gave it to me. I sadly smiled at him and I took it.

We sat there quietly eating. Him sitting on the ground.

The days after ( Zombie Apocalypse AU) (Izuku x reader)Where stories live. Discover now