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Eri stayed the night that night and the next morning I dropped them both off at daycare.

To be honest I had no idea what to do without them around. So I decided to go to the farm and maybe lend a hand. I leaned on the fence and watched the red head work. Eventually she noticed me and walked over. She took her gloves off and smiled at me.

"Looking to lend a hand?" She said and I sighed looking around.

"Maybe I honestly don't know. I'm not used to not having my baby all the time." I chuckled as she leaned on the fence.

"We sure could use the extra hands. All the animals are born and bred in the walls so nun of them have the virus in their system. We even make clothes out of the wool for winter." She explained and I nodded along.

"Wait animals can get the virus?" I asked and she nodded.

"Yes but it doesn't effect them it's only for humans. But the children should be virus free all around." She said and i nodded.

"One thing I'm not a big fan of horses." I said and she gasped.

"What?" She said and I looked down at the dirt.

"Yeah i mean they are pretty but I don't know they are just unpredictable you know." I explained and she laughed.

"That's true. Big King is our biggest horse we got. We use him for farming and wagons. Every now and then he is a big pain in the ass." She explained and pointed at the big horse in a nearby field.

"But there's other animals we could use some help with." She said and i nodded. I then got a strange feeling like I needed to go back to the daycare. I looked over my shoulder and I sighed.

"I'll um I'll think about it." I said and she nodded going back to work.

I ran down the street back to the playground where all the kids were. I immediately heard Emily crying loudly. I ran over seeing a boy Eri's age gripping her arm and Eri yelling at the boy. I wasn't the only one that heard her. Bakugo ran over and ripped the boys hand off her and picked her up. There were other mothers "watching" more like ignoring the kids and gossiping nearby.

I ran over to Bakugo and looked at Emily. Her arm was red and was starting to bruise. She cried into Bakugo's chest as he bounced trying to calm her down. I didn't see the teacher anywhere but I watched the little boy go to his mother in that group. Eri ran up to me her own tears running down her face.

"I tried to get him off." She cried and I rubbed her head.

"I know sweetie." I said before storming over to his mother.

"Hey what the hell." I said getting her attention. She glanced at me and looked me up and down.

"What?" She asked and i pointed at her son.

"Your son hurt my baby girl." I growled and she shrugged.

"Kids will be kids." She said and I scoffed.

"She's only like one years old she can't even be a full kid yet." I growled at the lady and she just shrugged turning away from me. I looked over my shoulder at Bakugo as the teacher was panicking giving Emily a milk bottle to calm her down. I grabbed the lady's shoulder and turned her to face me roughly.

"Look lady if you don't take this seriously I'm going to take this into my own hands." I growled in her face and she gasped.

"Are you threatening to hurt my son?" She asked and I shook my head.

"No I'm threatening to hurt you." I growled and she looked completely shocked. Izuku had gotten word of something going on and he dropped everything and came to see.

"Whoa what's going on here." He said pushing me gently away from the woman.

"She just lost her mind over nothing." The woman said and Izuku looked at me for the actual story.

"Her son hurt Emily and she didn't try to stop it or anything." I growled and Bakugo came over with Emily.

"Kids will be kids not my fault your daughter is sensitive." The woman said. Izuku took Emily from Bakugo. She was calm now but her face was red with tears and snot as she chewed on the bottle the teacher was off getting when everything happened. He looked at her arm that had a bad bruise.

"Are you fucking kidding me? Look at this." Izuku said and the lady sighed crossing her arms.

"Emily was screaming at the top of her lungs I heard her from the house." Bakugo said and Izuku got pissed stepping in front of me and in the lady's face.

"What were you doing?" He asked her and she looked back at the girls behind her.

"I was having a pleasant conversation with my friends." She said and he scoffed.

"You do realize that your child's actions reflect on your parenting skills." He said and she shrugged.

"My son is a angel and is well behaved I'm not going to punish him for something he probably didn't do." She said crossing her arms.

"Ok but I can punish you." He said and she scoffed.

"You can't hit me." She said and he shook his head.

"No I don't hit women. That's what my wife is for." He said and stepped aside. I immediately lunged forward and punched her in the jaw. My ring digging into her cheek. She fell to the ground stunned. I crouched down to her as she looked up shocked with pained tears in her eyes.

"Oh I'm sorry are you sensitive? That's too bad." I growled at her and she moved her hand. My wedding ring had carved out a small hole in her cheek.

I turned around and picked up Eri. We immediately left the playground and went back to the house.

"I tried to protect her I promise." Eri cried and I hugged her.

"I know Eri I appreciate it." I said kissing the top of her head.

"I think we all deserve a nap what do you think?" I asked her and she nodded resting her head on my shoulder.

When at the house both me and Izuku laid both of them in our bed to take a nap. We stepped out and closed the door. I sighed and leaned against the wall.

"You can take her out of you want to Y/n. I'm sure I can earn enough for all of us." He said as he leaned against the wall beside me.

"Yeah I'm going to. I tried but I can't trust anyone with her." I said and he nodded.

"I'm sure you can teach her better stuff anyway." He said. I nodded and closed my eyes stressed out.

"Maybe you should take a nap along with them. I'll go make lunch." He said and i nodded.

"Yeah I will."

The days after ( Zombie Apocalypse AU) (Izuku x reader)Where stories live. Discover now